FILE: M 21-08-07.rtf
architectural agenda dated 6th October [marchitecturalagendadated6tetc]
Ruskin’s religious and moral agenda [mruskinsreligiousandmoralagetc]
Sequence of the journey to Venice [msequenceofthejourneytovenice]
Ruskin’s return journey from Venice [mruskinsreturnjourneyfromveetc]
Early Christian and Byzantine in Venice [mearlychristianandbyzantineetc]
Lombard school [mlombardschool]
the development of Venetian Gothic [mthedevelopmentofvenetiangoetc]
the nature of Gothic, its moral and architectural strength [mthenatureofgothicitsmoralaetc]
establishing dates [mestablishingdates]
Tombs are often dated [mtombsareoftendated]
dates for the building and rebuilding of the Ducal Palace [mdatesforthebuildingandrebuetc]
degradation of Gothic [mdegradationofgothic]
Ruskin’s House No. 29, now replaced by the Hotel Bauer Grunwald [mruskinshouseno29nowreplaceetc]
Gothic palaces mentioned in Ruskin’s Venetian Index [mgothicpalacesmentionedinruetc]
Ruskin first read Dante in 1845 [mruskinfirstreaddantein1845]
PAGE: mpiL
its branching crockets & niches [mitsbranchingcrocketsniches]
PAGE: mpiR
Two letters of this period from Ruskin to Rawdon Brown [mtwolettersofthisperiodfrometc]
PAGE: mpiiL
Lib. Stud. To Venice 1851 [mlibstudtovenice1851]
Nymph at Fountain [mnymphatfountain]
PAGE: mpiiR
Selvatico and Lombard Style [mselvaticoandlombardstyle]
(q. Pavia?) Lindsay II . 14 [mqpavialindsayii14]
PAGE: mp1R
Dijon . 7th Oct. 1849 [mdijon7thoct1849]
PAGE: mp2L
PAGE: mp2R
Isaiah has spoken ... 28.17 [misaiahhasspoken2817]
The kingliness of Truth [mthekinglinessoftruth]
PAGE: mp4R
old friend the cleft stone [moldfriendthecleftstone]
retiring lines [mretiringlines]
Milan Cathedral [mmilancathedral]
Perpendicular [mperpendicular]
Penetrative Gothic [mpenetrativegothic]
Byzantine Bandwork [mbyzantinebandwork]
PAGE: mp5L
Dentiled sq. of house p 1 Housebook [mdentiledsqofhousep1housebook]
No 50 on M.73 and M.74; No 49 and 50 on M.5L [mno50onm73andm74no49and50onm5l]
San Stefano capital No 30 [msanstefanocapitalno30]
Fondaco dei Turchi [mfondacodeiturchi]
Casa Contarini di Porta di Ferro [mcasacontarinidiportadiferro]
Bianca Cappello [mbiancacappello]
Palazzo Cavalli p 93 [mpalazzocavallip93]
abbazia della Misericordia [mabbaziadellamisericordia]
St Alvise - or St Lodovico [mstalviseorstlodovico]
Giardini - Capo d’Opoli [mgiardinicapodopoli]
PAGE: mp5R
apse of Beauvais [mapseofbeauvais]
rose of the window [mroseofthewindow]
a guisa di liuto like Adam of Brescia in Dante [maguisadiliutolikeadamofbreetc]
PAGE: mp6R
Milan. The Church of S. Ambrogio [mmilanthechurchofsambrogio]
its true prototype [mitstrueprototype]
San Michele at Pavia [msanmicheleatpavia]
every style in the world: and every style spoiled [meverystyleintheworldandeveetc]
Merton large {east} window [mmertonlargeeastwindow]
central eastern [mcentraleastern]
spiry pinnacles [mspirypinnacles]
Woods' opinions about the ugliness of St. Marks [mwoodsopinionsabouttheuglinetc]
Woods’ views on Palladio and Vicenza [mwoodsviewsonpalladioandvicetc]
PAGE: mp7L
The Pulpit of the Church of S. Ambrogio, Milan [mthepulpitofthechurchofsambetc]
Eve and the Serpent at Works, 16.277 [meveandtheserpentatworks16277]
Bourges Cathedral [mbourgescathedral]
Visconti palace. vide p 31 N [mviscontipalacevidep31n]
PAGE: mp7R
Capitals of S. Ambrogio [mcapitalsofsambrogio]
PAGE: mp8R
PAGE: mp9L
PAGE: mp9R
PAGE: mp10L
Lombard buildings in the piazza near the cathedral [mlombardbuildingsinthepiazzetc]
PAGE: mp10R
St M. delle Grazie, Leonardo’s church [mstmdellegrazieleonardoschurch]
boss leaved capitals [mbossleavedcapitals]
PAGE: mp12R
Shafted and banded imposts [mshaftedandbandedimposts]
cornice of course [mcorniceofcourse]
PAGE: mp13R
Round arches how much weaker than pointed [mroundarcheshowmuchweakerthetc]
PAGE: mp14R
capital d is very curious [mcapitaldisverycurious]
Late Gothic of Monza [mlategothicofmonza]
PAGE: mp15R
square panneled surface [msquarepanneledsurface]
rose of St Etienne Beauvais [mroseofstetiennebeauvais]
a twisted column moulding only inferior to Florence [matwistedcolumnmouldingonlyetc]
PAGE: mp16R
persistence of the round arch [mpersistenceoftheroundarch]
quatrefoil / 4 foil [mquatrefoil4foil]
PAGE: mp17R
PAGE: mp18R
PAGE: mp19L
PAGE: mp19R
Tomb of San Pietro Martire [mtombofsanpietromartire]
Murray’s Guide 1847, page 176 [mmurraysguide1847page176]
Nino da Fiesole [mninodafiesole]
Pisan Sculpture [mpisansculpture]
p 14 l of the other volume [mp14loftheothervolume]
pure & simple type [mpuresimpletype]
PAGE: mp20R
PAGE: mp21R
Palaz: Minischalchi [mpalazminischalchi]
Venetian [double] dentil [mvenetiandoubledentil]
The term Venetian dentil is derived from Willis (1835) [mthetermvenetiandentilisderetc]
PAGE: mp22R
PAGE: mp23R
Scala monuments [mscalamonuments]
simplest of the two detached shrines [msimplestofthetwodetachedshetc]
PAGE: mp24R
PAGE: mp25R
PAGE: mp26L
PAGE: mp26R
PAGE: mp28R
Gateway at Verona * [mgatewayatverona]
PAGE: mp29R
Doge’s Palace / Ducal Palace [mdogespalaceducalpalace]
Ducal Palace Upper Arcade [mducalpalaceupperarcade]
Ducal Palace capitals of upper arcade [mducalpalacecapitalsofupperetc]
baluster, balustrade [mbalusterbalustrade]
Balconies of the Ducal Palace [mbalconiesoftheducalpalace]
angle sculpture / angles of Ducal Palace [manglesculptureanglesofducaetc]
Drunkenness of Noah [mdrunkennessofnoah]
Adam and Eve / Fall of Man [madamandevefallofman]
Judgment of Solomon [mjudgmentofsolomon]
Porta della Carta [mportadellacarta]
Ducal Palace Inner Court / Cortile [mducalpalaceinnercourtcortile]
Palazzo Grimani [mpalazzogrimani]
Palazzo Vendramin Calergi [mpalazzovendramincalergi]
Scuola di San Rocco [mscuoladisanrocco]
Ca’ Dario / Palazzo Dario [mcadariopalazzodario]
Trevisan Cappello in Canonica [mtrevisancappelloincanonica]
‘Cinquecento’ and ‘Renaissance’ [mcinquecentoandrenaissance]
towards piazzetta [mtowardspiazzetta]
PAGE: mp30R
scagliola flooring [mscagliolaflooring]
PAGE: mp32R
PAGE: mp34R
recession ... recess, [mrecessionrecess]
PAGE: mp35L
PAGE: mp35R
Great Cornice l [mgreatcornicel]
‘great cornice’ of the lower story of the Doge’s Palace [mgreatcorniceofthelowerstoretc]
Lower Arcade l [mlowerarcadel]
PAGE: mp36R
PAGE: mp37L
PAGE: mp37R
mistakenly applied ornament [mmistakenlyappliedornament]
cinquecento work, like that of Monza [mcinquecentoworklikethatofmetc]
SS. Giovanni e Paolo [mssgiovanniepaolo]
PAGE: mp38R
Arabesque line [marabesqueline]
PAGE: mp39R
Ca d’Oro. Traceries. First Story [mcadorotraceriesfirststory]
PAGE: mp40L
PAGE: mp40R
PAGE: mp41R
PAGE: mp42R
doge’s palace manner [mdogespalacemanner]
PAGE: mp43R
scrawled opposite [mscrawledopposite]
At Ponte del Teatro Malibran [matpontedelteatromalibran]
PAGE: mp44R
quay of the Jesuiti [mquayofthejesuiti]
dying Gothic in France [mdyinggothicinfrance]
PAGE: mp45R
Gothic schools of Venice [mgothicschoolsofvenice]
St Marks flanking arches [mstmarksflankingarches]
ecclesiastical & civil [mecclesiasticalcivil]
basket capitals [mbasketcapitals]
PAGE: mp46R
house described in No 19 / Palazzo Sagredo [mhousedescribedinno19palazzetc]
PAGE: mp47R
the whole system [mthewholesystem]
ponte dei Caleghieri [mpontedeicaleghieri]
PAGE: mp48L
Palazzo publico at Como and Milan [mpalazzopublicoatcomoandmilan]
PAGE: mp48R
traghetto Garzoni - Garzoni [mtraghettogarzonigarzoni]
PAGE: mp49R
Fondaco dei Turchi: Lower / Upper Arcade [mfondacodeiturchilowerupperetc]
PAGE: mp50R
space of St Ambrogio Milan [mspaceofstambrogiomilan]
bound together with serpent [mboundtogetherwithserpent]
San Nicolo de’ Tolentini [msannicolodetolentini]
PAGE: mp51R
stone arch jamb of Verona [mstonearchjambofverona]
PAGE: mp54R
PAGE: mp56R
PAGE: mp57R
palace next to the Cavalli [mpalacenexttothecavalli]
the step we want to the palazzo Foscari [mthestepwewanttothepalazzofetc]
PAGE: mp59R
Calle dei Giardini [mcalledeigiardini]
a small house on the right [masmallhouseontheright]
door worth daguerreotyping [mdoorworthdaguerreotyping]
PAGE: mp60L
close to Madonna dell’ Orto [mclosetomadonnadellorto]
PAGE: mp60R
A little beyond the gardens at the Fondamenta St Anna [malittlebeyondthegardensattetc]
Lombard brick arch [mlombardbrickarch]
PAGE: mp61L
double dentiled cornice on a palace [mdoubledentiledcorniceonapaetc]
PAGE: mp61R
PAGE: mp62R
palace now half destroyed [mpalacenowhalfdestroyed]
beautiful door into court close to Salute. No 40 [mbeautifuldoorintocourtclosetc]
PAGE: mp63R
Window joining door no 40 th [mwindowjoiningdoorno40th]
PAGE: mp64L
PAGE: mp64R
PAGE: mp66R
PAGE: mp67R
Ca Giustiniani / Young Foscari [mcagiustinianiyoungfoscari]
PAGE: mp70R
deeper than Foscari [mdeeperthanfoscari]
PAGE: mp71R
House No 12 p 15 [mhouseno12p15]
house of Henry Dandolo / Ca’ Dandolo [mhouseofhenrydandolocadandolo]
PAGE: mp72R
PAGE: mp73R
Capital Head Sections. A [mcapitalheadsectionsa]
* and conf. House No 9 [mandconfhouseno9]
N. from Foscari No 47 ++ [mnfromfoscarino47]
. verify chamfer above ogee [mverifychamferaboveogee]
++ And with lower roll cabled pilaster No 56 [mandwithlowerrollcabledpilaetc]
PAGE: mp74R
R from12th House, No 55 [mrfrom12thhouseno55]
PAGE: mp74AL
by Sansovino 1325. (Venezia et le sue lagune) [mbysansovino1325veneziaetleetc]
PAGE: mp75R
or misrepresentation [mormisrepresentation]
PAGE: mp76L
Dante’s feeling and statement concerning fortune [mdantesfeelingandstatementcetc]
PAGE: mp76R
west front through a wheel of Fortune [mwestfrontthroughawheeloffoetc]
stern / restless / languid / strong [msternrestlesslanguidstrong]
then the patience of [mthenthepatienceof]
the enthusiastic mediaeval superstition [mtheenthusiasticmediaevalsuetc]
PAGE: mp77R
great M. pattern [mgreatmpattern]
PAGE: mp78L
p 36 letter 1st [mp36letter1st]
St Sophia rebuilt by Justinian [mstsophiarebuiltbyjustinian]
according to Lord Lindsay [maccordingtolordlindsay]
PAGE: mp78R
Venetian History [mvenetianhistory]
PAGE: mp79R
inhabitants [gap] of [minhabitantsgapof]
Sclavarium Piatis [msclavariumpiatis]
PAGE: mp80R
House in Corte del Remer / old house near Rialto [mhouseincortedelremeroldhouetc]
warm on the fondaco de Tedeschi [mwarmonthefondacodetedeschi]
precious, and veined with pure white [mpreciousandveinedwithpurewetc]
PAGE: mp81R
PAGE: mp82R
PAGE: mp83L
PAGE: mp83R
windows in Doge’s palace opposite prisons [mwindowsindogespalaceopposietc]
PAGE: mp84R
Ducal Palace. Lateral Windows [mducalpalacelateralwindows]
Ducal Palace Windows with Traceries [mducalpalacewindowswithtracetc]
Ducal Palace Windows [mducalpalacewindows]
PAGE: mp86R
PAGE: mp90L
Madonna dell’ Orto [mmadonnadellorto]
PAGE: mp90R
Facade window furthest from Stonework centre [mfacadewindowfurthestfromstetc]
PAGE: mp91R
Ducal palace Traceries Third Window Second Window [mducalpalacetraceriesthirdwetc]
PAGE: mp92R
Ca’ Cavalli (Franchetti) / ‘opposite the Academy of Arts’ [mcacavallifranchettioppositetc]
PAGE: mp94R
Camera di Studio [mcameradistudio]
PAGE: mp95R
PAGE: mp96R
The Second Window [mthesecondwindow]
PAGE: mp97R
Ducal palace. Front Windows [mducalpalacefrontwindows]
PAGE: mp99R
PAGE: mp100R
Ducal Palace. Windows to Piazzetta [mducalpalacewindowstopiazzetta]
like Lucca / Lucchese marble [mlikeluccalucchesemarble]
PAGE: mp102R
Palace with four Evangelists [mpalacewithfourevangelists]
square upon canal of Palazzo Pesaro [msquareuponcanalofpalazzopeetc]
Palazzo Pesaro on the Grand Canal [mpalazzopesaroonthegrandcanal]
Mr Lorenzi’s room [mmrlorenzisroom]
PAGE: mp103R
(*) Vide note at p 88 [mvidenoteatp88]
PAGE: mp104R
Campiello St Rocco [mcampiellostrocco]
PAGE: mp105R
one C, the other F. House book [monectheotherfhousebook]
(Continued from p 85) noble windows [mcontinuedfromp85noblewindows]
second window of Doge’s palace vid p 96 [msecondwindowofdogespalacevetc]
PAGE: mp106R
coarse sugary white marble, like Parian [mcoarsesugarywhitemarbleliketc]
PAGE: mp107R
Gothic of San Zaccaria p 19 Door book [mgothicofsanzaccariap19dooretc]
Pesaro at St. Benedetto [mpesaroatstbenedetto]
PAGE: mp108L
the singular door H. d. book p 21 [mthesingulardoorhdbookp21]
PAGE: mp108R
safe pointing it [msafepointingit]
I found it again today. Xmas [mifounditagaintodayxmas]
a fisherman more than any thing saintly [mafishermanmorethananythingetc]
PAGE: mp110R
House at Arsenal / Ca Bembo [mhouseatarsenalcabembo]
Case and Palazzi [mcaseandpalazzi]
House No 55, H b 1 [mhouseno55hb1]
PAGE: mp111R
PAGE: mp112R
PAGE: mp114R
Beaver of the casque [mbeaverofthecasque]
La Scala becoming Milan [mlascalabecomingmilan]
PAGE: mp115L
Sant’ Apollinare [msantapollinare]
replaced by a renaissance one [mreplacedbyarenaissanceone]
PAGE: mp115R
balcony in Nos 100, 101 [mbalconyinnos100101]
Palazzo della Citta [mpalazzodellacitta]
PAGE: mp116R
Romanesque house next Foscari [mromanesquehousenextfoscari]
a2 sec / a2 section [ma2seca2section]
PAGE: mp117R
Doge palace 3rd order [mdogepalace3rdorder]
PAGE: mp119R
between the Madonna dell’ Orto and Sta Fosca [mbetweenthemadonnadellortoaetc]
PAGE: mp120R
San Cristoforo [msancristoforo]
PAGE: mp121R
house of Tintoret [mhouseoftintoret]
church with valuable foliation [mchurchwithvaluablefoliation]
Palazzo Bernardo at St Polo [mpalazzobernardoatstpolo]
Adrian de Corneto house [madriandecornetohouse]
water door of Danieli’s [mwaterdoorofdanielis]
PAGE: mp122R
house at St Fantin, No 41 [mhouseatstfantinno41]
Housebook 2 page 18 l [mhousebook2page18l]
No 60 and No 61 [mno60andno61]
PAGE: mp123R
No 58 house book 2 [mno58housebook2]
PAGE: mp124L
the old sculptor alle pietra di Porto chieto and guilto is Istria [mtheoldsculptorallepietradietc]
PAGE: mp124R
La Scala crests [mlascalacrests]
PAGE: mp125R
Willis’s strange assertion [mwillissstrangeassertion]
cornice of the Riva del Carbon [mcorniceoftherivadelcarbon]
continuous piece of a house [mcontinuouspieceofahouse]
Palazzo Sanuto [mpalazzosanuto]
PAGE: mp127L
inscription on the frieze of the “prospetto dell coro” [minscriptiononthefriezeofthetc]
PAGE: mp127R
what I have said about Milan [mwhatihavesaidaboutmilan]
Selvatico to 1475 [mselvaticoto1475]
ignorance about Tedescan artists at p 148 [mignoranceabouttedescanartietc]
PAGE: mp128L
inscription being [minscriptionbeing]
PAGE: mp128R
dossale di legno [mdossaledilegno]
Franciscan sculptors [mfranciscansculptors]
PAGE: mp130R
Campo S. Margarita [mcamposmargarita]
S.M. Mater domini Chessboard [msmmaterdominichessboard]
Corner Capital [mcornercapital]
PAGE: mp131R
tomb of Andrea Dandolo [mtombofandreadandolo]
Idolatry, Greek sculpture, GREEK [midolatrygreeksculpturegreek]
p 69 my St Marks [mp69mystmarks]
Cardinal Zeno’s chapel [mcardinalzenoschapel]
PAGE: mp132L
Chapel una volta sacra al Serafico [mchapelunavoltasacraalserafico]
PAGE: mp132R
Tana - behind arsenal [mtanabehindarsenal]
PAGE: mp133L
PAGE: mp134L
PAGE: mp134R
Angelico quality [mangelicoquality]
Cicogna p 30 Housebook 2 [mcicognap30housebook2]
PAGE: mp136R
next the bridge of sighs [mnextthebridgeofsighs]
Madonna. over Archway at Ponte [mmadonnaoverarchwayatponte]
PAGE: mp138R
house at the Miracoli [mhouseatthemiracoli]
PAGE: mp139R
House at Murano [mhouseatmurano]
PAGE: mp140L
PAGE: mp142L
PAGE: mp142R
PAGE: mp143R
nameless tomb. described at p 52 of M.2 [mnamelesstombdescribedatp52etc]
PAGE: mp144R
perhaps intermediate fronts [mperhapsintermediatefronts]
PAGE: mp145L
Cavalli, next to the Post Office [mcavallinexttothepostoffice]
Palazzo Falier [mpalazzofalier]
daged long ago [mdagedlongago]
finistrato / fenestrato/ finestrata [mfinistratofenestratofinestetc]
det Foscari Pattern [mdetfoscaripattern]
Foscari Pattern [mfoscaripattern]
p 43, 44 French book [mp4344frenchbook]
PAGE: mp145R
House opposite Ca d’Oro [mhouseoppositecadoro]
PAGE: mp146R
Ca Giustiniani [mcagiustiniani]
PAGE: mp148L
very near the Vendramin Calerghi [mverynearthevendramincalerghi]
PAGE: mp148R
Palazzo Erizzo [mpalazzoerizzo]
pal. Bernardo p 48 Housebook 2 [mpalbernardop48housebook2]
PAGE: mp149R
Ponte della Corona. House at [mpontedellacoronahouseat]
PAGE: mp150R
Peter Cornaro p 44 Gothic book [mpetercornarop44gothicbook]
PAGE: mp151R
Maffei’s Verona [mmaffeisverona]
PAGE: mp155R
Nameless tomb opposite Duccio [mnamelesstomboppositeduccio]
PAGE: mp156L
Arnoldo Teutonico in 1300 Selva p 145 [marnoldoteutonicoin1300selvetc]
PAGE: mp156R
Tomb of Duccio degli Alberti [mtombofducciodeglialberti]
Paolo Savelli’s [mpaolosavellis]
PAGE: mp157R
Tomb of Giustiniani [mtombofgiustiniani]
Tomb of Foscari [mtomboffoscari]
PAGE: mp160L
earliest Apostoli pattern [mearliestapostolipattern]
PAGE: mp160R
Byzantine house on Gran Canale [mbyzantinehouseongrancanale]
Palazzo Bernardo [mpalazzobernardo]
PAGE: mp162L
this third fourth [mthisthirdfourth]
PAGE: mp162R
Ducal Palace. Series of Capitals of Lower Arcade [mducalpalaceseriesofcapitaletc]
1st Capital of the Ducal Palace Lower Arcade [m1stcapitaloftheducalpalaceetc]
2nd Capital of the Ducal Palace Lower Arcade [m2ndcapitaloftheducalpalaceetc]
3rd Capital of the Ducal Palace Lower Arcade [m3rdcapitaloftheducalpalaceetc]
4th Capital of the Ducal Palace Lower Arcade [m4thcapitaloftheducalpalaceetc]
5th Capital of the Ducal Palace Lower Arcade [m5thcapitaloftheducalpalaceetc]
6th Capital of the Ducal Palace Lower Arcade [m6thcapitaloftheducalpalaceetc]
7th Capital of the Ducal Palace Lower Arcade [m7thcapitaloftheducalpalaceetc]
8th Capital of the Ducal Palace Lower Arcade [m8thcapitaloftheducalpalaceetc]
9th Capital of the Ducal Palace Lower Arcade [m9thcapitaloftheducalpalaceetc]
10th Capital of the Ducal Palace Lower Arcade [m10thcapitaloftheducalpalacetc]
11th Capital of the Ducal Palace Lower Arcade [m11thcapitaloftheducalpalacetc]
12th Capital of the Ducal Palace Lower Arcade [m12thcapitaloftheducalpalacetc]
13th Capital of the Ducal Palace Lower Arcade [m13thcapitaloftheducalpalacetc]
14th Capital of the Ducal Palace Lower Arcade [m14thcapitaloftheducalpalacetc]
15th Capital of the Ducal Palace Lower Arcade [m15thcapitaloftheducalpalacetc]
16th Capital of the Ducal Palace Lower Arcade [m16thcapitaloftheducalpalacetc]
17th Capital of the Ducal Palace Lower Arcade [m17thcapitaloftheducalpalacetc]
18th Capital of the Ducal Palace Lower Arcade [m18thcapitaloftheducalpalacetc]
19th Capital of the Ducal Palace Lower Arcade [m19thcapitaloftheducalpalacetc]
Four Crowned Saints [mfourcrownedsaints]
20th Capital of the Ducal Palace Lower Arcade [m20thcapitaloftheducalpalacetc]
21st Capital of the Ducal Palace Lower Arcade [m21stcapitaloftheducalpalacetc]
22nd Capital of the Ducal Palace Lower Arcade [m22ndcapitaloftheducalpalacetc]
23rd Capital of the Ducal Palace Lower Arcade [m23rdcapitaloftheducalpalacetc]
24th Capital of the Ducal Palace Lower Arcade [m24thcapitaloftheducalpalacetc]
25th Capital of the Ducal Palace Lower Arcade [m25thcapitaloftheducalpalacetc]
26th Capital of the Ducal Palace Lower Arcade [m26thcapitaloftheducalpalacetc]
27th Capital of the Ducal Palace Lower Arcade [m27thcapitaloftheducalpalacetc]
28th Capital of the Ducal Palace Lower Arcade [m28thcapitaloftheducalpalacetc]
29th Capital of the Ducal Palace Lower Arcade [m29thcapitaloftheducalpalacetc]
30th Capital of the Ducal Palace Lower Arcade [m30thcapitaloftheducalpalacetc]
31st Capital of the Ducal Palace Lower Arcade [m31stcapitaloftheducalpalacetc]
32nd Capital of the Ducal Palace Lower Arcade [m32ndcapitaloftheducalpalacetc]
33rd Capital of the Ducal Palace Lower Arcade [m33rdcapitaloftheducalpalacetc]
34th Capital of the Ducal Palace Lower Arcade [m34thcapitaloftheducalpalacetc]
35th Capital of the Ducal Palace Lower Arcade [m35thcapitaloftheducalpalacetc]
36th Capital of the Ducal Palace Lower Arcade [m36thcapitaloftheducalpalacetc]
Daguerred as 2nd [mdaguerredas2nd]
Titus Vespasian: [diagram] for imperator [mtitusvespasiandiagramforimetc]
PAGE: mp163R
PAGE: mp164L
Compare 28th p 183 [mcompare28thp183]
9th Compare 29th p 184 [m9thcompare29thp184]
10th Compare 30th p 185 [m10thcompare30thp185]
Here / Arena (for In experience in transcript / Assisi [mherearenaforinexperienceinetc]
PAGE: mp164R
PAGE: mp165R
q. (Umanita. Selva) / q (Giustizia Selva) / q (Prudenza. Selva) [mqumanitaselvaqgiustiziaseletc]
Speranza in Deo [msperanzaindeo]
PAGE: mp166L
one of the leaf capitals [moneoftheleafcapitals]
PAGE: mp166R
angel at the angle [mangelattheangle]
Porta San Stefano [mportasanstefano]
PAGE: mp167R
Santa Maria dei Miracoli [msantamariadeimiracoli]
PAGE: mp168L
“sine Ondine” in copy [msineondineincopy]
PAGE: mp168R
The Tenth Column [mthetenthcolumn]
sine - C R C III Q sum URUIIIV [msinecrciiiqsumuruiiiv]
PAGE: mp169L
Note: cubuvit here - combuvit I think on the other [mnotecubuvitherecombuvitithetc]
PAGE: mp169R
delicately at most [mdelicatelyatmost]
PAGE: mp170R
The Thirteenth [mthethirteenth]
The Fourteenth [mthefourteenth]
PAGE: mp171R
same as at Chamouni [msameasatchamouni]
PAGE: mp172L
Can Grande at Verona [mcangrandeatverona]
PAGE: mp172R
I can’t understand [micantunderstand]
PAGE: mp174L
* e t s a t u r n e d o m u s [metsaturnedomus]
PAGE: mp174R
The Seventeenth [mtheseventeenth]
Grammatical (tic) [mgrammaticaltic]
The Eighteenth [mtheeighteenth]
Et Saturne domus “eclocerunt”1s 7Bre (Septembre) [metsaturnedomuseclocerunt1setc]
PAGE: mp175R
Byzantine House near Foscari [mbyzantinehousenearfoscari]
PAGE: mp176R
PAGE: mp179R
Riva del Carbon [mrivadelcarbon]
house before described [mhousebeforedescribed]
PAGE: mp180L
Doge’s Palace shafts / Front of St Marks [mdogespalaceshaftsfrontofstetc]
PAGE: mp180R
main angle shaft next Porta della Carta / Shaft A [mmainangleshaftnextportadeletc]
PAGE: mp181L
inde x iovi dona pise simul atq3* cirona [mindexiovidonapisesimulatq3etc]
scarpio / scorpio [mscarpioscorpio]
* es domu* solis tu quoo signe leoni * [mesdomusolistuquoosigneleoni]
PAGE: mp181R
the text of Dante at Inferno XII, 52 [mthetextofdanteatinfernoxii52]
E (Aries)? MaTi. 7ac e scarpio partis [meariesmati7acescarpiopartis]
Tu es (probably, for tunc est) domus solis. quod signe leoni. [mtuesprobablyfortuncestdomuetc]
PAGE: mp182L
* Libra cu Tauro domus x x x x purior aur + + [mlibracutaurodomusxxxxpurioetc]
occupat erigone sti bons GeminuQ3 lacone:: * [moccupaterigonestibonsgeminetc]
lune cancer domu * t p'bet iorbe signoru * [mlunecancerdomutpbetiorbesietc]
delimo dsada deco [mdelimodsadadeco]
Selvatico’s description of this pillar [mselvaticosdescriptionofthietc]
PAGE: mp182R
only Libra et Tauro decipherable [monlylibraettaurodecipherable]
Lune cancer domus: corbe [mlunecancerdomuspbetcorbe]
delim(o) - sada decost(p?) o -ending in iwizeua [mdelimosadadecostpoendinginetc]
PAGE: mp183R
dish is introduced [mdishisintroduced]
PAGE: mp184R
The Twenty ninth [mthetwentyninth]
virilis or vincisilis? [mvirilisorvincisilis]
Temperantia sun inomib2s [mtemperantiasuninomib2s]
PAGE: mp185R
humilitas, bitat [mhumilitasbitat]
justicie; with crown and sword [mjusticiewithcrownandsword]
Prudentia, with compasses and book [mprudentiawithcompassesandbook]
Spem habe in (Domino) D N O [mspemhabeindominodno]
Accidia me stringit [maccidiamestringit]
what has she to do with trees? [mwhathasshetodowithtrees]
(sterc ? inferi)? [mstercinferi]
PAGE: mp186R
Gula sine ordine sum [mgulasineordinesum]
Colleone’s statue [mcolleonesstatue]
a modern Sir Charles Bell study [mamodernsircharlesbellstudy]
Avaricia impletor [mavariciaimpletor]
The thirty first [mthethirtyfirst]
PAGE: mp187R
Ca Porta di Ferro [mcaportadiferro]
Tomb of Agnese and and Orsola Venier [mtombofagneseandandorsolaveetc]
PAGE: mp188R
transept Madonna of Amiens [mtranseptmadonnaofamiens]
in punta di piedi [minpuntadipiedi]
PAGE: mp189R
St Marks. Basic Plinth [mstmarksbasicplinth]
towards the piazzetta de’ Lioni [mtowardsthepiazzettadelioni]
PAGE: mp190L
PAGE: mp191R
which I supposed Byzantine only [mwhichisupposedbyzantineonly]
PAGE: mp192L
serpents forming braids [mserpentsformingbraids]
PAGE: mp193R
no true basketwork [mnotruebasketwork]
PAGE: mp194R
PAGE: mp195L
PAGE: mp195R
Palazzo Priuli A San Severo [mpalazzopriuliasansevero]
PAGE: mp196L
PAGE: mp197R
piazzetta de’ Lioni [mpiazzettadelioni]
PAGE: mp198L
PAGE: mp198R
Bases of St. Mark’s [mbasesofstmarks]
PAGE: mp199L
this curious house [mthiscurioushouse]
PAGE: mp199R
Dante’s fiend - il petto in suso [mdantesfiendilpettoinsuso]
The great screen of St Marks [mthegreatscreenofstmarks]
PAGE: mp202L
porta della carta church [DIAGRAM] [mportadellacartachurchdiagram]
PAGE: mp203R
p 1 w {and 2 w} St M [mp1wand2wstm]
PAGE: mp204R
Detached Shaft, with lily head, in piazzetta de’ Lioni [mdetachedshaftwithlilyheadietc]
PAGE: mp205R
St Marks. Façade. Upper story [mstmarksfaadeupperstory]
PAGE: mp206R
PAGE: mp207L
houses in Campo St Polo / Palazzo Soranzo [mhousesincampostpolopalazzoetc]
PAGE: mp207R
St Giacomo dell Orio [mstgiacomodellorio]
San Giovanni in Bragora [msangiovanniinbragora]
PAGE: mp208R
Houses in Merceria San Zulian [mhousesinmerceriasanzulian]
Campo St M. Formosa l [mcampostmformosal]
PAGE: mp209L
PAGE: mp209R
houses at Riva del Carbon [mhousesatrivadelcarbon]
PAGE: mp210L
Ducal Palace Niches [mducalpalaceniches]
St. Marks. Niches [mstmarksniches]
PAGE: mp211L
PAGE: mp216R
Four Evangelists / Quattro Evangelisti [mfourevangelistsquattroevanetc]
PAGE: mp217R
Ramo Rimpetto Mocenigo [mramorimpettomocenigo]
PAGE: mp218L
The building (renaissance) close to it [mthebuildingrenaissanceclosetc]
PAGE: mp218R
Ducal Palace. Pattern. P 5w St M [mducalpalacepatternp5wstm]
PAGE: mp219R
Campo Bragola Palace / Badoari in Campo Bragora [mcampobragolapalacebadoariietc]
Byzantine Style [mbyzantinestyle]
Terraced House [mterracedhouse]
Santa Fosca Torcello [msantafoscatorcello]
Torcello Duomo [mtorcelloduomo]
References to St. Mark’s in M are indexed by Ruskin at M.222 [mreferencestostmarksinmareietc]
entries referring to St. Mark’s in the index to M2 [mentriesreferringtostmarksietc]
Separate sheets kept with M [mseparatesheetskeptwithm]
PAGE: mpsheet1
Mouldings in general [mmouldingsingeneral]
PAGE: mpsheet2
55, 551, St M. 57, 58, 56 1 59, 82 1 [m55551stm575856159821]
going back from page 81, 1 [mgoingbackfrompage811]
PAGE: mpsheet3
It carries from p 57 [mitcarriesfromp57]
Lily Capital of the Northern Portico of St Marks [mlilycapitalofthenorthernpoetc]
FILE: M2 21-08-07.rtf
notes and drawings in pencil [m2notesanddrawingsinpencil]
Dijon 6th Oct / Families of Gothic [m2dijon6thoctfamiliesofgothic]
PAGE: m2p1backR
Families of Gothic [m2familiesofgothic]
mass instead of the line / line and mass [m2massinsteadofthelinelineaetc]
I saw to day at Vittaux {a} p. 9. l. notebook. R [m2isawtodayatvittauxap9lnotetc]
Gothic of Giotto [m2gothicofgiotto]
North door, Rouen [m2northdoorrouen]
Salisbury. York etc [m2salisburyyorketc]
Linear Gothic [m2lineargothic]
PAGE: m2p2backR
in its degradation, became [m2initsdegradationbecame]
Certosa at Pavia [m2certosaatpavia]
Colleoni at Bergamo [m2colleoniatbergamo]
PAGE: m2p3backL
Young VII p 153 [m2youngviip153]
PAGE: m2p3backR
Cisons / Cisors [m2cisonscisors]
Netherland minaret Brussels [m2netherlandminaretbrussels]
Parts of Beauvais: and the perpendicular foliation of Troyes [m2partsofbeauvaisandtheperpetc]
function of building [m2functionofbuilding]
laws of beauty [m2lawsofbeauty]
Bourges - Sheet 188 [m2bourgessheet188]
PAGE: m2p4backL
PAGE: m2p4backR
of course best built [m2ofcoursebestbuilt]
succession of cylindrical masses [m2successionofcylindricalmaetc]
PAGE: m2p5backL
PAGE: m2p5backR
All other forms [m2allotherforms]
idea of Buttress [m2ideaofbuttress]
PAGE: m2p6backR
PAGE: m2p7backR
superstructure [m2superstructure]
PAGE: m2p8backR
PAGE: m2p11backR
‘and (3)’; ‘and (2)’; ‘(1)’ [m2and3and21]
PAGE: m2p12backL
in Chioggia war [m2inchioggiawar]
PAGE: m2p12backR
building. ^ Between [m2buildingbetween]
PAGE: m2p13backL
tomb of Simon Dandolo [m2tombofsimondandolo]
spells justitia chomun [m2spellsjustitiachomun]
PAGE: m2p13backR
PAGE: m2p14backL
piers of Milan [m2piersofmilan]
clustered shafts / piers [m2clusteredshaftspiers]
PAGE: m2p14backR
The question propriety [m2thequestionpropriety]
PAGE: m2p15backL
round end of Pisa [m2roundendofpisa]
baptistery of Parma [m2baptisteryofparma]
PAGE: m2p15backR
PAGE: m2p17backL
This principle [m2thisprinciple]
PAGE: m2p17backR
proportionately [m2proportionately]
PAGE: m2p18backR
applies directly [m2appliesdirectly]
superincumbent [m2superincumbent]
PAGE: m2p19backR
the line b fig 1 p 16 [m2thelinebfig1p16]
PAGE: m2p20backL
the tomb of San Pietro Martire [m2thetombofsanpietromartire]
PAGE: m2p20backR
PAGE: m2p21backR
PAGE: m2p23backR
cohesion of the stone [m2cohesionofthestone]
PAGE: m2p24backR
A grand unsymmetrical capital occurs [m2agrandunsymmetricalcapitaetc]
PAGE: m2p25backR
PAGE: m2p26backR
PAGE: m2p27backL
[labelled diagrams] [m2labelleddiagrams]
PAGE: m2p27backR
Monza (1) page 43 1 N [m2monza1page431n]
PAGE: m2p28backL
circular end of Cathedral; Verona [m2circularendofcathedralverona]
PAGE: m2p28backR
London Brick windows [m2londonbrickwindows]
PAGE: m2p29backR
If the Superimposition may 1st be frank [m2ifthesuperimpositionmay1setc]
String course - or [gap] Architecture [m2stringcourseorgaparchitecetc]
PAGE: m2p30backR
Broletto of Como [m2brolettoofcomo]
broletto of Monza [m2brolettoofmonza]
PAGE: m2p1R
Gorham Judgment [m2gorhamjudgment]
Norman billet [m2normanbillet]
PAGE: m2p2L
PAGE: m2p2R
2nd order windows [m22ndorderwindows]
3rd order windows [m23rdorderwindows]
4th order windows [m24thorderwindows]
5th order windows [m25thorderwindows]
PAGE: m2p3L
San Giovanni Evangelista [m2sangiovannievangelista]
PAGE: m2p3R
the Casa Vittora [m2thecasavittora]
San Maria mater Domini: the early point. 2nd [m2sanmariamaterdominitheearetc]
Palace at the Miracoli [m2palaceatthemiracoli]
S. M. Matre Domini [m2smmatredomini]
Ca’ Grandiben / palace near Arsenal [m2cagrandibenpalaceneararsenal]
small ruin behind Foscari / my house at the Foscari [m2smallruinbehindfoscarimyhetc]
PAGE: m2p4L
Ca at St. Sebastiano [m2caatstsebastiano]
PAGE: m2p4R
White palace in narrow canal [m2whitepalaceinnarrowcanal]
10 altogether beside Ducal Palace [m210altogetherbesideducalpaetc]
Palazzo Contarini Fasan [m2palazzocontarinifasan]
PAGE: m2p5L
PAGE: m2p5R
Now of Capitals [m2nowofcapitals]
San Jacopo del’ Orio [m2sanjacopodelorio]
Lombardic Current [m2lombardiccurrent]
which on no 37 [m2whichonno37]
PAGE: m2p6L
S.M. Mater domini Chessboard [m2smmaterdominichessboard]
PAGE: m2p6R
PAGE: m2p8L
"gemini" "gemelle" [m2geminigemelle]
PAGE: m2p8R
(Venice and lagoons) [m2veniceandlagoons]
(Not. Stor. p 384) [m2notstorp384]
The Dominican, Malvenda [m2thedominicanmalvenda]
allagato ancora dalle acque [m2allagatoancoradalleacque]
PAGE: m2p9R
Nicolo Pisano [m2nicolopisano]
Paolo Savelli [m2paolosavelli]
Parrebbe, of the school of the Leopardo [m2parrebbeoftheschooloftheletc]
PAGE: m2p10L
St Maurizio. p 51 l [m2stmauriziop51l]
fabbrica fine [m2fabbricafine]
PAGE: m2p10R
Inscrizioni Veneziane [m2inscrizioniveneziane]
PAGE: m2p11L
Sansovino p 324 [m2sansovinop324]
PAGE: m2p11R
Pietro Candiano [m2pietrocandiano]
Angelo Participazio [m2angeloparticipazio]
Andrew Dandolo in his Chronicle [m2andrewdandoloinhischronicle]
Sansovino 325, 2 [m2sansovino3252]
(Venice and its lagoons) [m2veniceanditslagoons]
PAGE: m2p12R
Cronaca Zancarola refare le fazada [m2cronacazancarolarefarelefetc]
refare le fazade [m2refarelefazade]
vid sentence at p 127 [m2vidsentenceatp127]
PAGE: m2p13L
vid below p 72 [m2vidbelowp72]
PAGE: m2p13R
Selvatico’s note at p 108 [m2selvaticosnoteatp108]
Quoted p 110 Selvatico [m2quotedp110selvatico]
refare la fazade [m2refarelafazade]
quoted by Sel. p 134 [m2quotedbyselp134]
PAGE: m2p14L
Lord Lindsay’s absurdity about Ducal palace, p 31 [m2lordlindsaysabsurdityabouetc]
PAGE: m2p14R
earliest Assisi [m2earliestassisi]
Dominican and Franciscan Churches at Florence [m2dominicanandfranciscanchuetc]
PAGE: m2p15R
corruption of Romanesque forms [m2corruptionofromanesqueforms]
PAGE: m2p16L
Zanotto’s Sepolcri [m2zanottossepolcri]
PAGE: m2p16R
TOMBS NOTES FROM ZANOTTO [m2tombsnotesfromzanotto]
Tomb of Michele Morosini [m2tombofmichelemorosini]
monument of Tomasso Mocenigo [m2monumentoftomassomocenigo]
PAGE: m2p17L
PAGE: m2p17R
TOMBS NOTES FROM ZANOTTO [m2tombsnotesfromzanottoxx1]
Pietro di Nicolo [m2pietrodinicolo]
rebuild palace [m2rebuildpalace]
Simon Dandolo [m2simondandolo]
Tomb of Marco Cornaro [m2tombofmarcocornaro]
the evidence is that Ruskin did not confuse the two tombs [m2theevidenceisthatruskindietc]
Jacopo Cavalli [m2jacopocavalli]
Tomb of Agnese and and Orsola Venier [m2tombofagneseandandorsolavetc]
Duccio degli Alberti [m2ducciodeglialberti]
PAGE: m2p18R
Raphaels Sacrament [m2raphaelssacrament]
PAGE: m2p19R
Lord Lindsay Letter 1 [m2lordlindsayletter1]
PAGE: m2p20L
Selvatico is of same opinion [m2selvaticoisofsameopinion]
PAGE: m2p20R
Note of Gally Knight p 25 [m2noteofgallyknightp25]
p 11 Selvatico [m2p11selvatico]
PAGE: m2p21R
Tomb 125. Tomasso Mocenigo [m2tomb125tomassomocenigo]
PAGE: m2p22L
tomb of Michael Steno [m2tombofmichaelsteno]
PAGE: m2p22R
PAGE: m2p23L
later than Ducal palace [m2laterthanducalpalace]
PAGE: m2p23R
p [gap] Gothic book [m2pgapgothicbook]
PAGE: m2p24R
Tombs of Giacomo and Vittore Cappello [m2tombsofgiacomoandvittorecetc]
PAGE: m2p25L
I find in Venice and its lagoons named [m2ifindinveniceanditslagoonetc]
Andrea tomb in St Mark’s [m2andreatombinstmarks]
PAGE: m2p25R
Agnese but without cusp, vid G. book [m2agnesebutwithoutcuspvidgbook]
PAGE: m2p26L
not extravagant nor pleasing [m2notextravagantnorpleasing]
PAGE: m2p26R
George Richmondish [m2georgerichmondish]
PAGE: m2p29R
PAGE: m2p30R
Stefano Visconti [m2stefanovisconti]
PAGE: m2p31R
porch at Bergamo [m2porchatbergamo]
Santa Caterina [m2santacaterina]
Sant’ Apollinare / Sant’ Aponal [m2santapollinaresantaponal]
PAGE: m2p32L
Zanotto stands for Venice and lagoons [m2zanottostandsforveniceandetc]
PAGE: m2p32R
Bridge of Sighs [m2bridgeofsighs]
Zanotto gives to 10th century [m2zanottogivesto10thcentury]
medallions came chiefly from Torcello and Altino [m2medallionscamechieflyfrometc]
Bacon Palace / Palazzo Zorzi (M.116) [m2baconpalacepalazzozorzim116]
stile misto Byzantino [m2stilemistobyzantino]
PAGE: m2p33R
supposed by author architect [m2supposedbyauthorarchitect]
7. Cavalli. ascribed to 13th century [m27cavalliascribedto13thcenetc]
Ca’ Giovanelli [m2cagiovanelli]
the Giustiniani [m2thegiustiniani]
Ludovic, duke of Mantua [m2ludovicdukeofmantua]
Giustiniani’s beside it [m2giustinianisbesideit]
PAGE: m2p34R
cuba. p 386 and holding it in air [m2cubap386andholdingitinair]
passage about Vitruvius, p 387 [m2passageaboutvitruviusp387]
Has subterranean prisons [m2hassubterraneanprisons]
Badoari in Campo Bragora [m2badoariincampobragora]
Nani - Mocenigo San Trovaso [m2nanimocenigosantrovaso]
to “Calendario” [m2tocalendario]
Giustiniani: or Albergo dell Europa [m2giustinianioralbergodelleetc]
Michiel del Brusa [m2michieldelbrusa]
Zaguri, ora Breganza in Campo St Maurizio [m2zaguriorabreganzaincamposetc]
Molin a St Fantino No 26 House book [m2molinastfantinono26housebook]
PAGE: m2p35R
Pesaro at S. Benedetto [m2pesaroatsbenedetto]
Pisani poi Gritti [m2pisanipoigritti]
Giustiniani at St Salvatore [m2giustinianiatstsalvatore]
Bragadin; ora Bigaglia [m2bragadinorabigaglia]
Zorzi, al Ponte dei Greci [m2zorzialpontedeigreci]
Bernardo or Celsi, at the Ponte Bernardo [m2bernardoorcelsiattheponteetc]
Bernardo on Grand Canal [m2bernardoongrandcanal]
Corraro Sta Fosca in campo [m2corrarostafoscaincampo]
at St Sebastian [m2atstsebastian]
PAGE: m2p36R
circle surrounded by whirling flames [m2circlesurroundedbywhirlinetc]
Willis notices that the tree like shape [m2willisnoticesthatthetreeletc]
PAGE: m2p37R
Doges palace; beginning of description [m2dogespalacebeginningofdesetc]
trenchers like opercula [m2trencherslikeopercula]
PAGE: m2p38L
There is no date to this entry [m2thereisnodatetothisentry]
Supposta del Zancaruol [m2suppostadelzancaruol]
The statues of this monument [m2thestatuesofthismonument]
PAGE: m2p38R
PAGE: m2p39R
Monument of Andrea Vendramin [m2monumentofandreavendramin]
according to Caro [m2accordingtocaro]
Benedet da Majano’s [m2benedetdamajanos]
PAGE: m2p40R
Wm. Butterworth [m2wmbutterworth]
The Temperance [m2thetemperance]
PAGE: m2p41R
Compare Cleopatra [m2comparecleopatra]
only blocked out [m2onlyblockedout]
PAGE: m2p42R
PAGE: m2p43L
PAGE: m2p43R
Tomb of Marco Corner [m2tombofmarcocorner]
PAGE: m2p44R
other Volume at p. 100 [m2othervolumeatp100]
Ducal Palace upper arcade [m2ducalpalaceupperarcade]
PAGE: m2p45R
M. Lorenzi’s room [m2mlorenzisroom]
PAGE: m2p46R
Leaf cornices [m2leafcornices]
door of the arsenal [m2doorofthearsenal]
Miracoli one [m2miracolionexx1]
Campo della Bragola [m2campodellabragola]
the junction with the front part of it which looks of [m2thejunctionwiththefrontpaetc]
PAGE: m2p47L
PAGE: m2p47R
In the place which I looked at it [m2intheplacewhichilookedatit]
reference to “Venice” or “Venice basrelief” [m2referencetoveniceorveniceetc]
PAGE: m2p48R
p 27 palace book [m2p27palacebook]
PAGE: m2p50R
PAGE: m2p51L
have noted somewhere [m2havenotedsomewhere]
PAGE: m2p51R
views of Zanotto [m2viewsofzanotto]
Savina Chronicles [m2savinachronicles]
revolt against Candiano [m2revoltagainstcandiano]
He refers to Sansovino [m2hereferstosansovino]
PAGE: m2p52L
Sepultura Domini Marci Justiniano [m2sepulturadominimarcijustietc]
PAGE: m2p52R
p 185 of Pareri [m2p185ofpareri]
Tomb of Marco Giustiniani [m2tombofmarcogiustiniani]
PAGE: m2p53R
superincumbent [m2superincumbentxx1]
A capital is the cornice of a shaft [m2acapitalisthecorniceofashaft]
PAGE: m2p54R
Pietro Cornaro plinth [m2pietrocornaroplinth]
Bonsiers alone [m2bonsiersalone]
PAGE: m2p55L
PAGE: m2p55R
fuit factus Sea [m2fuitfactussea]
Portam Palatii [m2portampalatii]
indescribable [m2indescribable]
Sir Charles Grandison [m2sircharlesgrandison]
Annali Urbani de Veneza of 16th century [m2annaliurbanidevenezaof16tetc]
3 Latrina sides [m23latrinasides]
leaving frescoes on bronze ad molte archiefagi defosta [m2leavingfrescoesonbronzeadetc]
PAGE: m2p56R
Bettio’s account [m2bettiosaccount]
Sansovino attribution [m2sansovinoattribution]
Sivos Chronicle [m2sivoschronicle]
PAGE: m2p57L
Savina Chronicles [m2savinachroniclesxx1]
PAGE: m2p57R
Sansovino p 319 [m2sansovinop319]
PAGE: m2p58L
PAGE: m2p58R
Passages in Proverbs concerning Secresy [m2passagesinproverbsconcernetc]
PAGE: m2p59R
The Secresy of Sin [m2thesecresyofsin]
not so much praised as vid p 65 [m2notsomuchpraisedasvidp65]
PAGE: m2p60R
PAGE: m2p61L
Venetian year [m2venetianyear]
PAGE: m2p61R
nal consigno consiglio [m2nalconsignoconsiglio]
di 27 Marzo (1424 [m2di27marzo1424]
E a di 23 April (1423) [m2eadi23april1423]
Chron di Polo Marasini [m2chrondipolomarasini]
PAGE: m2p64R
PAGE: m2p65R
(10) (3) (9) (1) (7) [m2103917]
PAGE: m2p66L
PAGE: m2p66R
14.8; 14,15; 16,21; 18,15; 15,14 [m21481415162118151514]
PAGE: m2p68L
& clumsy -& like a copy - from what? if not from Ducal palace [m2clumsylikeacopyfromwhatifetc]
house No 94 p 42 Door book [m2houseno94p42doorbook]
PAGE: m2p68R
for its distorted [m2foritsdistorted]
Italian adjustment [m2italianadjustment]
({shaft of} grey granite) [m2shaftofgreygranite]
PAGE: m2p69L
PAGE: m2p69R
2nd order house daged [m22ndorderhousedaged]
Campo of Campo Santa Maria Mater Domini [m2campoofcamposantamariamatetc]
noble old house [m2nobleoldhouse]
PAGE: m2p70R
that beyond Rialto [m2thatbeyondrialto]
PAGE: m2p71L
Measures of No 138 [m2measuresofno138]
PAGE: m2p71R
Bird ornaments [m2birdornaments]
PAGE: m2p72L
Tribuna ò Sede [m2tribunasede]
PAGE: m2p72R
sotto Luigi Mocenigo [m2sottoluigimocenigo]
Giov. Mocenigo [m2giovmocenigo]
il principe Moro [m2ilprincipemoro]
Sanuto M S vol 2nd Vite de Dogi [m2sanutomsvol2ndvitededogi]
PAGE: m2p73L
PAGE: m2p73R
PAGE: m2p74L
PAGE: m2p75L
Measures at S. Apostoli [m2measuresatsapostoli]
PAGE: m2p75R
Palazzo at S. Apostoli on Grand canal [m2palazzoatsapostoliongrandetc]
p 51 l door book [m2p51ldoorbook]
PAGE: m2p76R
One of the richest districts [m2oneoftherichestdistricts]
Campo S. Apostoli [m2camposapostoli]
housebook 2 41 1 [m2housebook2411]
PAGE: m2p77R
d. p 49 French book [m2dp49frenchbook]
PAGE: m2p78R
PAGE: m2p79L
PAGE: m2p79R
The Scuola di San Rocco is {one of} [m2thescuoladisanroccoisoneof]
PAGE: m2p80R
Traceries of the Frari [m2traceriesofthefrari]
PAGE: m2p81L
PAGE: m2p81R
PAGE: m2p83R
PAGE: m2p84R
PAGE: m2p85R
immensely later [m2immenselylater]
PAGE: m2p86L
PAGE: m2p86R
Opposite, and p 48 Palace book [m2oppositeandp48palacebook]
PAGE: m2p87R
Genoa serpentine [m2genoaserpentine]
from Noah x vid opposite above [m2fromnoahxvidoppositeabove]
PAGE: m2p88R
PAGE: m2p89L
{Carta} angle one [m2cartaangleone]
called usually [m2calledusually]
Venice bas relief [m2venicebasrelief]
history of marriage [m2historyofmarriage]
PAGE: m2p89R
The Thirty Third [m2thethirtythird]
PAGE: m2p90R
described before [m2describedbefore]
Injustitia (sela?) sum [m2injustitiaselasum]
Alachritas chanit [m2alachritaschanit]
The Thirty Fourth [m2thethirtyfourth]
The Thirty Fifth [m2thethirtyfifth]
PAGE: m2p91R
St Paul’s cherubs [m2stpaulscherubs]
copied from the walnut one [m2copiedfromthewalnutone]
but 6 especially [m2but6especially]
The Thirty sixth [m2thethirtysixth]
Aristotle I have [m2aristotleihave]
Salo uno dei sete savi [m2salounodeisetesavi]
Isipione. a chastita ch - x- x x elaf e la fia a re [m2isipioneachastitachxxxelaetc]
PAGE: m2p92L
PAGE: m2p92R
PAGE: m2p93R
Marino Faliero’s [m2marinofalieros]
breast leaves [m2breastleaves]
PAGE: m2p94R
Noah Ham and Adam [m2noahhamandadam]
PAGE: m2p95R
Beatrice Cenci [m2beatricecenci]
cap worn by Arion [m2capwornbyarion]
PAGE: m2p96R
Police house system [m2policehousesystem]
PAGE: m2p97L
the one I drew for 7 lamps [m2theoneidrewfor7lamps]
PAGE: m2p97R
cutting is still that of the Police house [m2cuttingisstillthatofthepoetc]
PAGE: m2p98L
Note on section A [m2noteonsectiona]
PAGE: m2p98R
The Third Order [m2thethirdorder]
drawn below my [m2drawnbelowmy]
PAGE: m2p99L
PAGE: m2p99R
PAGE: m2p100R
lovely sea angle [m2lovelyseaangle]
29th is a copy [m229thisacopy]
PAGE: m2p101L
section of 2nd and leafage of 3rd order [m2sectionof2ndandleafageof3etc]
PAGE: m2p101R
30th 31st and 32nd [m230th31stand32nd]
PAGE: m2p102L
I have drawn as characteristic [m2ihavedrawnascharacteristic]
PAGE: m2p102R
the chef d’oeuvres of the palace [m2thechefdoeuvresofthepalace]
PAGE: m2p103R
The 36th ... Carta angle [m2the36thcartaangle]
PAGE: m2p104L
GENERAL INDEX FOR SHAFTS [m2generalindexforshafts]
PAGE: m2p104R
marked before [m2markedbefore]
PAGE: m2p105L
flattened roll [m2flattenedroll]
yellow pages of this book [m2yellowpagesofthisbook]
PAGE: m2p105R
PAGE: m2p106R
PAGE: m2p107R
Door near Post Office [m2doornearpostoffice]
PAGE: m2p108L
Campiello della Chiesa a San Luca [m2campiellodellachiesaasanluca]
PAGE: m2p108R
: 5. is with the slope [m25iswiththeslope]
PAGE: m2p109R
Of Immoderation and abuse of Good [m2ofimmoderationandabuseofgood]
1st Corin. I. 31 [m21stcorini31]
PAGE: m2p111R
PAGE: m2p112R
Titian in his presentation of the Virgin [m2titianinhispresentationofetc]
PAGE: m2p113R
PAGE: m2p114R
San Felice chapel [m2sanfelicechapel]
PAGE: m2p115L
PAGE: m2p115R
the richest piece of colour decoration / Giusti of Padua [m2therichestpieceofcolourdeetc]
Verona Romanesque [m2veronaromanesque]
PAGE: m2p116R
which secure this exceeding grace [m2whichsecurethisexceedinggetc]
show the efforts [m2showtheefforts]
PAGE: m2p117R
pastelike-doughy [m2pastelikedoughy]
PAGE: m2p118L
PAGE: m2p118R
March 11th 1851 [m2march11th1851]
instead of tall [m2insteadoftall]
the tomb above the gate at St Anastasia [m2thetombabovethegateatstanetc]
On one end of the sarcophagus an angel [m2ononeendofthesarcophagusaetc]
PAGE: m2p119L
St Anast. Gate Tomb [m2stanastgatetomb]
hospital by St John and Paul [m2hospitalbystjohnandpaul]
PAGE: m2p121R
armour, instruments [m2armourinstruments]
San Fermo Maggiore [m2sanfermomaggiore]
PAGE: m2p122R
St Anastasia Verona [m2stanastasiaverona]
PAGE: m2p123R
Beato Pacifico [m2beatopacifico]
Sainte chapelle [m2saintechapelle]
Effigy of Can Grande [m2effigyofcangrande]
PAGE: m2p124R
entrance to the crypt at San Zeno [m2entrancetothecryptatsanzeno]
PAGE: m2p126L
basreliefs of jesting subject [m2basreliefsofjestingsubject]
PAGE: m2p126R
or Winchester [m2orwinchester]
PAGE: m2p128L
exterior apse of San Fermo [m2exteriorapseofsanfermo]
my Scala monuments [m2myscalamonuments]
PAGE: m2p129R
Lord L’s description [m2lordlsdescription]
Lombard animals are all alive [m2lombardanimalsareallalive]
PAGE: m2p130L
Compare p 179 below 1 [m2comparep179below1]
PAGE: m2p130R
PAGE: m2p131R
indiscriminate mingling [m2indiscriminatemingling]
PAGE: m2p132R
crosses of bars [m2crossesofbars]
PAGE: m2p133R
Martin: Lord L’s opinion, p 69 [m2martinlordlsopinionp69]
Peacocks. Vid introduction at p 23, and afterwards p 103 [m2peacocksvidintroductionatetc]
PAGE: m2p134R
Cathedral at Genoa [m2cathedralatgenoa]
strada degli Orefici [m2stradadegliorefici]
Raffaelle’s beautiful gate [m2raffaellesbeautifulgate]
PAGE: m2p135R
PAGE: m2p136R
pinched crockets [m2pinchedcrockets]
PAGE: m2p137R
Cortile of Ducal Palace: Old plan [m2cortileofducalpalaceoldplan]
C. fig 1 joining a with a2 to p in fig 2 [m2cfig1joiningawitha2topinfig2]
PAGE: m2p138R
Francis Maria 1Urbini Duci [m2francismaria1urbiniduci]
PAGE: m2p139R
Marc Antonio Memmo. 1625 ) [m2marcantoniomemmo1625]
PAGE: m2p140R
PAGE: m2p148L
PAGE: m2p149R
PAGE: m2p150R
L’ORANGE ROMAN ARCH [m2lorangeromanarch]
consider if I get [m2considerifiget]
PAGE: m2p151L
PAGE: m2p151R
fircones used [m2firconesused]
St. Pierre at Avignon [m2stpierreatavignon]
PAGE: m2p152R
miserably poor [m2miserablypoor]
compared to Verona [m2comparedtoverona]
PAGE: m2p153R
octagon central tower [m2octagoncentraltower]
PAGE: m2p154L
Leighton’s Commentary on St Peter [m2leightonscommentaryonstpeter]
Blanco White’s Doblado’s letters [m2blancowhitesdobladosletters]
PAGE: m2p158R
PAGE: m2p159R
who hold in sincerity some other of the above creeds [m2whoholdinsinceritysomeothetc]
PAGE: m2p160L
fashion conclusive fashion [m2fashionconclusivefashion]
PAGE: m2p160R
PAGE: m2p161R
adding the effect [m2addingtheeffect]
Involved Gothic [m2involvedgothic]
Fig 1 p 3 Veron [m2fig1p3veron]
PAGE: m2p162R
PAGE: m2p163R
Cathedral of St Maurice, Vienne [m2cathedralofstmauricevienne]
academy of Venice (door) and of Amiens [m2academyofvenicedoorandofaetc]
PAGE: m2p165R
of exactly the height of triforium [m2ofexactlytheheightoftrifoetc]
PAGE: m2p166R
arc de l’Etoile [m2arcdeletoile]
PAGE: m2p167R
- almost a Torcello dentil [m2almostatorcellodentil]
PAGE: m2p168R
Lyons: Cathedral [m2lyonscathedral]
relations note [m2relationsnote]
PAGE: m2p169R
the attic base [m2theatticbase]
PAGE: m2p170L
I felt this still more ... here at Bourges [m2ifeltthisstillmorehereatbetc]
PAGE: m2p170R
few of the more striking subjects [m2fewofthemorestrikingsubjects]
like lord Brougham [m2likelordbrougham]
PAGE: m2p171L
PAGE: m2p171R
PAGE: m2p172L
PAGE: m2p172R
Murray’s Guide at p 438 [m2murraysguideatp438]
PAGE: m2p173L
PAGE: m2p173R
virgin’s bower [m2virginsbower]
PAGE: m2p174R
a Romanesque building [m2aromanesquebuilding]
PAGE: m2p175L
8th verse of 37th Psalm [m28thverseof37thpsalm]
Jeremiah 6, 27, 29 [m2jeremiah62729]
PAGE: m2p176R
this wonderful Gothic [m2thiswonderfulgothic]
PAGE: m2p178R
Northern work at Bourges [m2northernworkatbourges]
on arch at l’Orange [m2onarchatlorange]
PAGE: m2p179L
The more I think [m2themoreithink]
Romanesque arch at the prefecture [m2romanesquearchattheprefecetc]
PAGE: m2p179R
Ornamentation, l [m2ornamentationl]
PAGE: m2p180L
PAGE: m2p181L
PAGE: m2p181R
reprinted at Bourges 1836 [m2reprintedatbourges1836]
vetu de veloux tanne [m2vetudevelouxtanne]
PAGE: m2p182R
PAGE: m2p183R
PAGE: m2p184R
PAGE: m2p185L
PAGE: m2p185R
PAGE: m2p186L
Jeremiah 9th. at end [m2jeremiah9thatend]
PAGE: m2p186R
Can tiles be used on very steep roofs [m2cantilesbeusedonverysteepetc]
PAGE: m2p188L
Wenlock Abbey [m2wenlockabbey]
PAGE: m2p189L
PAGE: m2p191R
St Dominick 73L [m2stdominick73l]
PAGE: m2p193L
PAGE: m2p193R
St Francis .73 . L [m2stfrancis73l]
PAGE: m2p196L
PAGE: m2p196R
Romanism P 154L [m2romanismp154l]
PAGE: m2p199R
very vain to dispute respecting methods of classification [m2veryvaintodisputerespectietc]
The electronic edition of Ruskin’s Venetian Notebooks [toplevel]
How to use this edition [u02i]
Calendar for Ruskin’s 1849-1850 Visit to Venice [calendar]
the team’s introductiom [u01a]
The genesis of this electronic edition [u02a]
The rationale behind this edition [u02b]
The original scope of this edition [u02c]
The scope of the present edition [u02d]
Notebook M: Diary of John Ruskin 1849 (RF Ms 10) [mnote]
Bit Book (RF1996P1614) [bnote]
Door Book (RF1996P1615) [dnote]
Gothic Book (RF1996P1616) [gnote]
House Book 1 (RF1996P1617) [h1note]
House Book 2 (RF1996P1618) [h2note]
Notebook N (RF1996P1619) [nnote]
Palace Book (RF1996P1620) [pnote]
St M Book (RF1996P1621) [stmnote]
Verona Book 1850 (Coniston Museum No CONRM 1990.380) [vnote]
The Works of John Ruskin: Library Edition [uworks]
The team who produced this edition [u02g]
Ruskin in the context of The Stones of Venice [u01c]
FILE: Bit Book 26 July.rtf
PAGE: bp1R
PAGE: bp2L
Small tabernacle [bsmalltabernacle]
PAGE: bp2R
peacock at Torcello [bpeacockattorcello]
PAGE: bp3R
Compare p. 163. M.2 [bcomparep163m2]
PAGE: bp4R
Ponte dei Fuseri [bpontedeifuseri]
PAGE: bp6L
Campo St Silvestro [bcampostsilvestro]
PAGE: bp6R
Campo St Silvestro [bcampostsilvestroxx1]
PAGE: bp7R
PAGE: bp8L
PAGE: bp8R
PAGE: bp9R
Campo St Polo. p 208 L [bcampostpolop208l]
PAGE: bp10L
PAGE: bp10R
PAGE: bp16L
PAGE: bp16R
St Marie Margherita [bstmariemargherita]
PAGE: bp17R
Merceria St Zulian [bmerceriastzulian]
PAGE: bp18R
PAGE: bp20R
PAGE: bp21L
PAGE: bp21R
[diagram] Fig 1. x y [bdiagramfig1xy]
PAGE: bp22L
St Fermo. front [bstfermofront]
PAGE: bp22R
PAGE: bp23R
PAGE: bp24L
PAGE: bp24R
PAGE: bp25R
St Giacomo di Rialto [bstgiacomodirialto]
PAGE: bp27R
Ramo Rimpetto Mocenigo [bramorimpettomocenigo]
PAGE: bp28R
PAGE: bp29L
Ramo Rimpetto Mocenigo [bramorimpettomocenigoxx1]
[diagram] Fig 3 [bdiagramfig3]
[diagram] Fig 1 [bdiagramfig1]
PAGE: bp29R
Ramo Rimpetto Mocenigo [bramorimpettomocenigoxx2]
PAGE: bp30R
Ramo Rimpetto Mocenigo [bramorimpettomocenigoxx3]
PAGE: bp31R
PAGE: bp32R
PAGE: bp33R
PAGE: bp34R
Mater Domini capital [bmaterdominicapital]
police house [bpolicehousexx1]
PAGE: bp35aL
PAGE: bp35aR
Palazzo Bernado [bpalazzobernado]
Door in Campo St Polo [bdoorincampostpolo]
PAGE: bp35bL
[diagram] Fig 1 [bdiagramfig1xx1]
Scuola di San Rocco [bscuoladisanrocco]
PAGE: bp35bR
PAGE: bp37L
Frari campanile [bfraricampanile]
PAGE: bp37R
PAGE: bp38L
door on Campo S. Margherita [bdooroncamposmargherita]
The shoemaker door [btheshoemakerdoor]
PAGE: bp38R
PAGE: bp40R
PAGE: bp41R
Central door of St Marks [bcentraldoorofstmarks]
PAGE: bp42R
traghetto S. Samuele [btraghettossamuele]
PAGE: bp43R
PAGE: bp44R
PAGE: bp46L
PAGE: bp46R
tabernacle in south chapel [btabernacleinsouthchapel]
PAGE: bp47L
[diagram] Fig 2 [bdiagramfig2]
[diagram] Fig 5 [bdiagramfig5]
PAGE: bp47R
[drawing] Fig 1 [bdrawingfig1]
PAGE: bp48L
[diagram] Fig 2 [bdiagramfig2xx1]
[diagram] Fig 1 [bdiagramfig1xx2]
PAGE: bp48R
[diagram] Fig 3 [bdiagramfig3xx1]
PAGE: bp49L
[diagram] fig 1 [bdiagramfig1xx3]
PAGE: bp50R
arch of Treasury door [barchoftreasurydoor]
PAGE: bp60L
PAGE: bp61L
Crypt of St Marks [bcryptofstmarks]
PAGE: bp61R
northern portico [bnorthernportico]
Fondaco di Turchi pattern [bfondacoditurchipattern]
PAGE: bp62L
PAGE: bp65L
PAGE: bp66L
PAGE: bp68L
PAGE: bp69R
Santa Fosca Torcello [bsantafoscatorcello]
PAGE: bp75L
Cronaca no 103 [bcronacano103]
PAGE: bp77L
House in Campo Bragora [bhouseincampobragora]
PAGE: bp77R
PAGE: bp78L
PAGE: bp78R
PAGE: bp79L
Carbon beside the leaf cornices [bcarbonbesidetheleafcornices]
PAGE: bp80L
PAGE: bp81L
Police House [bpolicehousexx2]
PAGE: bpiiR
Scuola di San Rocco [bscuoladisanroccoxx1]
PAGE: bpiiiR
FILE: Door Book 20 July.rtf
PAGE: dpiiL
PAGE: dpiiiR
PAGE: dp1R
PAGE: dp2R
PAGE: dp3R
PAGE: dp4R
PAGE: dp5R
PAGE: dp6R
PAGE: dp7R
PAGE: dp8R
PAGE: dp10R
PAGE: dp12R
PAGE: dp13R
PAGE: dp14L
Calle di Rimedio [dcalledirimedio]
PAGE: dp14R
Calle di Rimedio [dcalledirimedioxx1]
PAGE: dp15R
PAGE: dp16L
PAGE: dp16R
PAGE: dp17R
PAGE: dp18L
PAGE: dp18R
PAGE: dp19L
Campo San Zaccaria [dcamposanzaccaria]
PAGE: dp19R
Campo San Zaccaria [dcamposanzaccariaxx1]
PAGE: dp19byR
PAGE: dp20R
Palazzo Priuli [dpalazzopriuli]
PAGE: dp21R
Listra Vecchia dei Barri [dlistravecchiadeibarri]
PAGE: dp22R
PAGE: dp23L
Door of the Church of S. Gregorio [ddoorofthechurchofsgregorio]
PAGE: dp23R
PAGE: dp24L
PAGE: dp24R
PAGE: dp26L
Chamfer real size [dchamferrealsize]
PAGE: dp26R
PAGE: dp27L
PAGE: dp27R
PAGE: dp28R
PAGE: dp29R
PAGE: dp30R
PAGE: dp31R
PAGE: dp32R
PAGE: dp33L
Madonna dell Orto [dmadonnadellorto]
PAGE: dp33R
Madon. del Orto [dmadondelorto]
PAGE: dp37L
Palazzo Bragadin-Carraba [dpalazzobragadincarraba]
Campiello del Piovan [dcampiellodelpiovan]
PAGE: dp37R
PAGE: dp38L
PAGE: dp38R
PAGE: dp39L
PAGE: dp39R
PAGE: dp40R
PAGE: dp41R
PAGE: dp42R
PAGE: dp43L
Palazzo Priuli [dpalazzopriulixx1]
PAGE: dp43R
PAGE: dp44L
First red plinth [dfirstredplinth]
PAGE: dp46L
PAGE: dp46R
PAGE: dp47L
Salizzada San Lio [dsalizzadasanlio]
[drawing] Fig 2 [ddrawingfig2]
PAGE: dp47R
PAGE: dp48L
St Marks Baptistery [dstmarksbaptistery]
PAGE: dp48R
PAGE: dp49R
PAGE: dp51L
House at Apostoli [dhouseatapostoli]
PAGE: dp51R
[diagram] Fig 2 [ddiagramfig2]
PAGE: dp52L
[diagram] St Apostoli [ddiagramstapostoli]
PAGE: dp53L
PAGE: dp59L
PAGE: dp59R
Palazzo Loredan [dpalazzoloredan]
FILE: Gothic Book 20 July.rtf
PAGE: gpiiL
St John and Paul [gstjohnandpaul]
PAGE: gp2R
PAGE: gp4R
Apse of the Frari [gapseofthefrari]
PAGE: gp6R
PAGE: gp7R
St Simeone Profeta [gstsimeoneprofeta]
PAGE: gp9bR
PAGE: gp10L
PAGE: gp10R
[drawing] Fig 1 [gdrawingfig1]
PAGE: gp11R
PAGE: gp12L
PAGE: gp12R
twisted columns [gtwistedcolumns]
PAGE: gp16R
PAGE: gp17L
PAGE: gp17R
PAGE: gp18L
PAGE: gp19L
PAGE: gp19R
Delfino. p 25. M2 [gdelfinop25m2]
PAGE: gp20L
Jacapo Cavalli [gjacapocavalli]
PAGE: gp20R
Jacapo Cavalli [gjacapocavallixx1]
PAGE: gp21L
PAGE: gp22L
Marco Corner / Cornaro [gmarcocornercornaro]
PAGE: gp22R
Jacapo Cavalli [gjacapocavallixx2]
PAGE: gp23L
[diagram] Fig A [gdiagramfiga]
PAGE: gp23R
PAGE: gp24L
PAGE: gp24R
PAGE: gp25L
PAGE: gp25R
PAGE: gp26L
[capitals of Ducal Palace] [gcapitalsofducalpalace]
p. 22. palace book [gp22palacebook]
PAGE: gp26R
[capitals of Ducal Palace] [gcapitalsofducalpalacexx1]
PAGE: gp27L
[capitals of Ducal Palace] [gcapitalsofducalpalacexx2]
PAGE: gp28R
[capitals of Ducal Palace] [gcapitalsofducalpalacexx3]
PAGE: gp30L
Piazzetta dei Leoni [gpiazzettadeileoni]
PAGE: gp30R
PAGE: gp31L
PAGE: gp31R
Madonna of the Arch [gmadonnaofthearch]
PAGE: gp32L
PAGE: gp33L
[drawing] C Fig 2 [gdrawingcfig2]
PAGE: gp33R
[diagram] Fig 5 [gdiagramfig5]
PAGE: gp35R
PAGE: gp36L
Ponte Marcello [gpontemarcello]
PAGE: gp37L
PAGE: gp37R
Door with the Madonna [gdoorwiththemadonna]
PAGE: gp40R
Campiello dei Meloni [gcampiellodeimeloni]
PAGE: gp41R
Marco Giustiniani [gmarcogiustiniani]
PAGE: gp42R
Chapel next choir [gchapelnextchoir]
PAGE: gp43L
Tomb of Peter Cornaro [gtombofpetercornaro]
PAGE: gp43R
PAGE: gp44L
Police capitals [gpolicecapitals]
PAGE: gp44R
PAGE: gp45R
Nicolaus Marcellus [gnicolausmarcellus]
PAGE: gp46L
PAGE: gp46R
PAGE: gp48L
PAGE: gp48R
house at Murano [ghouseatmurano]
PAGE: gp50L
Salizzada dei Fondaco di Turchi [gsalizzadadeifondacoditurchi]
Calle dei Botteri 1565 [gcalledeibotteri1565]
Campo St Zan degola [gcampostzandegola]
Palazzo next Cavalli [gpalazzonextcavalli]
PAGE: gp50R
Giacomo dell Orio [ggiacomodellorio]
PAGE: gp51L
Salizzada del Fondaco [gsalizzadadelfondaco]
craftmans biscuits [gcraftmansbiscuits]
PAGE: gp51R
PAGE: gp52L
PAGE: gp52R
PAGE: gp53L
House at Murano [ghouseatmuranoxx1]
PAGE: gp53R
House at Murano [ghouseatmuranoxx2]
PAGE: gp54L
House at Murano [ghouseatmuranoxx3]
PAGE: gp54R
House at Murano [ghouseatmuranoxx4]
PAGE: gp55R
House at Murano [ghouseatmuranoxx5]
PAGE: gp56L
Palazzo Giustiniani [gpalazzogiustiniani]
PAGE: gp57R
No 91 House opposite Ca d Oro [gno91houseoppositecadoro]
PAGE: gp58L
PAGE: gp58R
PAGE: gp59R
Fondaco di Turchi [gfondacoditurchi]
PAGE: gp60R
Porta di San Giovanni, St Marks [gportadisangiovannistmarks]
PAGE: gp62R
PAGE: gp63L
Casa Porta di Ferro [gcasaportadiferro]
PAGE: gp63R
PAGE: gp64L
PAGE: gp64R
St Marks First porch on right [gstmarksfirstporchonright]
PAGE: gp66L
PAGE: gp66R
PAGE: gp69L
PAGE: gp70R
PAGE: gp71L
Door of Academy [gdoorofacademy]
PAGE: gp71R
Palace next Cavalli [gpalacenextcavalli]
PAGE: gp72L
PAGE: gp72R
Door of Academy [gdoorofacademyxx1]
[drawing] Fig 1 [gdrawingfig1xx1]
PAGE: gp73L
Byzantine House at Foscari [gbyzantinehouseatfoscari]
PAGE: gp73R
House at Foscari [ghouseatfoscari]
PAGE: gp74R
[diagram] Fig 1 [gdiagramfig1]
PAGE: gp75L
[diagram] Fig 2 [gdiagramfig2]
PAGE: gp76L
[drawing] Fig 1 [gdrawingfig1xx2]
PAGE: gp76R
Palazzo Pisani [gpalazzopisani]
PAGE: gp77R
ponte di Jesuiti [gpontedijesuiti]
PAGE: gp78L
Palazzo Priuli [gpalazzopriuli]
PAGE: gp78R
Palazzo Priuli [gpalazzopriulixx1]
[diagram] Fig 3 [gdiagramfig3]
FILE: Housebook 1 20 July.rtf
PAGE: h1piiL
Window orders [h1windoworders]
PAGE: h1pivL
PAGE: h1pvL
Calle di Borgoloco [h1callediborgoloco]
PAGE: h1p1R
Housebook 2. p. 39 [h1housebook2p39]
Corte del Botter [h1cortedelbotter]
PAGE: h1p2R
PAGE: h1p3R
Campo 3rd House [h1campo3rdhouse]
PAGE: h1p4R
PAGE: h1p5L
Calle del Remedio [h1calledelremedio]
PAGE: h1p5R
No. 5. At Ponte del Paradiso [h1no5atpontedelparadiso]
vide below. p. 65 [h1videbelowp65]
PAGE: h1p6R
6th In the Merceria [h16thinthemerceria]
PAGE: h1p7L
PAGE: h1p7R
7th. On Grand canal [h17thongrandcanal]
PAGE: h1p9R
PAGE: h1p10R
PAGE: h1p12R
PAGE: h1p13L
Called Ca Falier [h1calledcafalier]
PAGE: h1p13R
11th 10th House [h111th10thhouse]
PAGE: h1p14R
PAGE: h1p15R
12 House - continued [h112housecontinued]
PAGE: h1p16R
PAGE: h1p17L
Palazzo Farsetti [h1palazzofarsetti]
PAGE: h1p18R
Young Foscari [h1youngfoscari]
PAGE: h1p20R
Great Foscari [h1greatfoscari]
PAGE: h1p21R
Palazzo Bernardo [h1palazzobernardo]
PAGE: h1p25R
PAGE: h1p27R
PAGE: h1p28R
PAGE: h1p29R
PAGE: h1p30R
PAGE: h1p31L
next the Cavalli. Pal. Barbaro [h1nextthecavallipalbarbaro]
PAGE: h1p31R
PAGE: h1p32R
PAGE: h1p33R
PAGE: h1p34R
House no 29. Next 28 [h1houseno29next28]
PAGE: h1p35R
House No 30. Pal. Cavalli [h1houseno30palcavalli]
PAGE: h1p36R
PAGE: h1p37R
PAGE: h1p39R
PAGE: h1p40R
PAGE: h1p41R
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PAGE: h1p51L
PAGE: h1p52R
PAGE: h1p53R
PAGE: h1p54L
House No 44 Continued [h1houseno44continued]
PAGE: h1p54R
House No 44 continued [h1houseno44continuedxx1]
PAGE: h1p55R
PAGE: h1p56R
PAGE: h1p57R
PAGE: h1p59R
PAGE: h1p61R
PAGE: h1p62R
PAGE: h1p63L
Young Foscari [h1youngfoscarixx1]
PAGE: h1p64L
Calle di Borgo [h1callediborgo]
PAGE: h1p65R
Door of house No 5 [h1doorofhouseno5]
PAGE: h1p69R
corte del Botter [h1cortedelbotterxx1]
PAGE: h1pviL
PAGE: h1pviR
a trivial and careless doodle [h1atrivialandcarelessdoodle]
Ruskin’s enthusiasm for chess [h1ruskinsenthusiasmforchess]
FILE: Housebook 2 20 July.rtf
PAGE: h2p1R
Salizzada San Lio [h2salizzadasanlio]
PAGE: h2p2L
PAGE: h2p3L
N. di Tolentino [h2nditolentino]
PAGE: h2p3R
Campo St Simeon Grande [h2campostsimeongrande]
PAGE: h2p4L
PAGE: h2p4R
PAGE: h2p5R
PAGE: h2p6L
PAGE: h2p6R
vid palace book . p. 7 [h2vidpalacebookp7]
PAGE: h2p7R
No 55 The Staircase [h2no55thestaircase]
PAGE: h2p8R
Ponte di Caleghieri [h2pontedicaleghieri]
PAGE: h2p11R
Ponte de Calegheri [h2pontedecalegheri]
Lombard visconti like [h2lombardviscontilike]
white palace near Rialto [h2whitepalacenearrialto]
PAGE: h2p12L
PAGE: h2p12R
PAGE: h2p13L
PAGE: h2p13R
PAGE: h2p15R
PAGE: h2p16R
PAGE: h2p17R
Palazzo Manfini [h2palazzomanfini]
PAGE: h2p19R
PAGE: h2p20R
PAGE: h2p21R
It is Casa Papadopoli [h2itiscasapapadopoli]
PAGE: h2p22R
Madonna dell Orto [h2madonnadellorto]
PAGE: h2p23R
PAGE: h2p24L
PAGE: h2p24R
PAGE: h2p25L
PAGE: h2p25R
PAGE: h2p26R
PAGE: h2p27L
PAGE: h2p27R
PAGE: h2p29R
PAGE: h2p30L
Benzi-Zecchini [h2benzizecchini]
PAGE: h2p31R
Young Foscari [h2youngfoscari]
PAGE: h2p33R
Sta Maria dell Orto [h2stamariadellorto]
PAGE: h2p34L
Madonna dell Orto [h2madonnadellortoxx1]
PAGE: h2p34R
Madonna dell Orto [h2madonnadellortoxx2]
PAGE: h2p35R
Fondaco di Turchi [h2fondacoditurchi]
PAGE: h2p36R
PAGE: h2p37R
PAGE: h2p38R
PAGE: h2p39R
PAGE: h2p40L
Calle della Madonna [h2calledellamadonna]
PAGE: h2p40R
PAGE: h2p41L
windows at Salizzada del Pistor [h2windowsatsalizzadadelpistor]
PAGE: h2p41R
salizzada del Pistor [h2salizzadadelpistor]
PAGE: h2p43L
PAGE: h2p43R
PAGE: h2p44R
PAGE: h2p45L
PAGE: h2p45R
PAGE: h2p46R
PAGE: h2p47L
Comm of Police [h2commofpolice]
PAGE: h2p47R
Casa Bernardo [h2casabernardo]
PAGE: h2p48L
Palazzo Bernardo [h2palazzobernardo]
PAGE: h2p49L
Door near Post Office [h2doornearpostoffice]
PAGE: h2p50R
Palazzo Loredan [h2palazzoloredan]
PAGE: h2p51L
Height of Arch [h2heightofarch]
PAGE: h2p51R
PAGE: h2p52L
Casa Farsetti [h2casafarsetti]
PAGE: h2p52R
Palazzo Farsetti [h2palazzofarsetti]
PAGE: h2p53L
PAGE: h2p53R
Vid p . 142 . M [h2vidp142mxx1]
PAGE: h2p54L
Measures of C Farsetti [h2measuresofcfarsetti]
PAGE: h2p54R
House at Murano [h2houseatmurano]
vid Gothic book p 53 [h2vidgothicbookp53]
PAGE: h2p56L
PAGE: h2p57R
Screen at St Marks [h2screenatstmarks]
PAGE: h2p58R
PAGE: h2p59L
PAGE: h2p60R
Contarini Fasan [h2contarinifasan]
PAGE: h2piiiR
Campiello della Grana [h2campiellodellagrana]
Palaz. Bernardo [h2palazbernardo]
Adrian of Corneto [h2adrianofcorneto]
PAGE: h2pivL
Tintorets house [h2tintoretshouse]
FILE: N Book 20 July.rtf
PAGE: npiiL
PAGE: npiiiL
PAGE: np2R
PAGE: np4L
PAGE: np5L
PAGE: np9L
PAGE: np12R
PAGE: np13L
PAGE: np14R
PAGE: np15R
PAGE: np20R
Carlisle Cathedral [ncarlislecathedral]
PAGE: np28L
Central gothic [ncentralgothic]
PAGE: np28R
PAGE: np29L
PAGE: np29R
PAGE: np30L
PAGE: np30R
PAGE: np31R
PAGE: np32L
height of shaft [nheightofshaft]
PAGE: np33L
PAGE: np33R
PAGE: np34L
PAGE: np35L
PAGE: np35R
Stefano Visconti [nstefanovisconti]
PAGE: np36L
PAGE: np40L
PAGE: np41L
PAGE: np41R
PAGE: np42L
PAGE: np42R
PAGE: np43L
PAGE: np43R
[Top part of page cut away including page number] [ntoppartofpagecutawayincludetc]
PAGE: np43dL
PAGE: np44L
PAGE: np45L
Campo St Agostin [ncampostagostin]
PAGE: np47L
Campiello della Strope [ncampiellodellastrope]
PAGE: np47R
PAGE: np48L
Barba. Fruttariol [nbarbafruttariol]
[drawing] Fig 1 [ndrawingfig1]
PAGE: np48R
PAGE: np49L
PAGE: np49R
PAGE: np50R
PAGE: np52L
PAGE: np52R
PAGE: np53L
PAGE: np53R
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PAGE: np60L
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PAGE: np62R
PAGE: np64R
PAGE: np65R
PAGE: np80L
PAGE: np81L
[diagram] Fig 2 [ndiagramfig2]
PAGE: np81R
[diagram] Fig 3 [ndiagramfig3]
PAGE: np82R
PAGE: npiiiR
PAGE: npivL
FILE: Palace Book 3 Aug .rtf
PAGE: ppiiR
Ponte dell’ Arco [ppontedellarco]
PAGE: ppiiiL
PAGE: pp2R
PAGE: pp3R
3rd from the angle of the Porta [p3rdfromtheangleoftheporta]
noble [Justice?] Capital [pnoblejusticecapital]
bird capital towards sea [pbirdcapitaltowardssea]
PAGE: pp4L
PAGE: pp4R
1st Capital Selvatico’s 2nd [p1stcapitalselvaticos2nd]
2nd Capital Has 3 heads [p2ndcapitalhas3heads]
PAGE: pp5R
PAGE: pp6L
PAGE: pp6R
archivolt of lower story of Ducal palace [parchivoltoflowerstoryofducetc]
vide Nos 89. 90 [pvidenos8990]
PAGE: pp7L
PAGE: pp7R
PAGE: pp8L
PAGE: pp8R
2nd Capital of open arcade or 7th [p2ndcapitalofopenarcadeor7th]
PAGE: pp9R
S T antia sum nil timens [pstantiasumniltimens]
PAGE: pp10L
PAGE: pp10R
PAGE: pp11R
PAGE: pp12L
PAGE: pp13L
PAGE: pp13R
PAGE: pp14L
graceful holding [pgracefulholding]
PAGE: pp14R
Pillar K on plan [ppillarkonplan]
PAGE: pp16L
Decrepite dnt Satn [pdecrepitedntsatn]
PAGE: pp16R
“Adoloscencie” [padoloscencie]
PAGE: pp17L
PAGE: pp17R
indecipherable [pindecipherable]
PAGE: pp18L
PAGE: pp18R
PAGE: pp19L
PAGE: pp19R
S. SYM. TU / S. SIMTV [pssymtussimtv]
PAGE: pp21R
Ham of The Noah [phamofthenoah]
PAGE: pp22R
PAGE: pp23bL
PAGE: pp23bR
PAGE: pp24R
PAGE: pp25L
PAGE: pp25R
PAGE: pp26R
Porta della Carta [pportadellacarta]
PAGE: pp27L
PAGE: pp27R
PAGE: pp28L
PAGE: pp28R
PAGE: pp29L
PAGE: pp29R
PAGE: pp30L
PAGE: pp31L
10th Capital [p10thcapitalxx1]
PAGE: pp31R
12th Capital [p12thcapitalxx1]
13th . Lions heads [p13thlionsheads]
14th Capital- Animals [p14thcapitalanimals]
PAGE: pp32R
14th Capital- Animals [p14thcapitalanimalsxx1]
PAGE: pp33L
15th Capital [p15thcapitalxx1]
PAGE: pp33R
15th Capital [p15thcapitalxx2]
PAGE: pp34R
15th Capital [p15thcapitalxx3]
PAGE: pp35R
PAGE: pp36L
PAGE: pp37R
Torn out of notebook [ptornoutofnotebook]
PAGE: pp38R
occupat erigone stibons [poccupaterigonestibons]
lune cancer domu [plunecancerdomu]
deli m(o) d sada decost (p) o [pdelimodsadadecostpo]
PAGE: pp39L
PAGE: pp39R
PAGE: pp41R
PAGE: pp42L
temperantia sum [ptemperantiasum]
PAGE: pp42R
Luxuria sum ster c ? inferi ? [pluxuriasumstercinferi]
Gula sine ordine sum [pgulasineordinesum]
Sir Charles Bell [psircharlesbell]
Avaritia (ricia) [pavaritiaricia]
PAGE: pp43L
The third with heads [pthethirdwithheads]
PAGE: pp43R
PAGE: pp44L
16th Capital [p16thcapitalxx1]
PAGE: pp44R
13th. lions heads [p13thlionsheadsxx1]
PAGE: pp45L
PAGE: pp45R
Latini in a Beat Cenci cap. tender [platiniinabeatcencicaptender]
Selvatico’s description [pselvaticosdescription]
PAGE: pp46L
Angle leaf of first arch [pangleleafoffirstarch]
PAGE: pp47L
Section of 2nd Order [psectionof2ndorder]
PAGE: pp47R
PAGE: pp48L
Fig 1 1/2 dentil [pfig112dentil]
PAGE: pp48R
PAGE: pp49L
PAGE: pp50L
PAGE: pp50R
PAGE: pp51L
PAGE: pp51R
PAGE: pp52L
PAGE: pp52R
PAGE: pp53L
PAGE: pp54L
PAGE: pp54R
The 14. no inscript [pthe14noinscript]
Castitas Delestis [pcastitasdelestis]
Injusticia “sela’ [pinjusticiasela]
Alachritas chri [palachritaschri]
PAGE: pp55L
PAGE: pp55R
Isipione . a chastita ch [pisipioneachastitach]
PAGE: pp56L
Trajano imperadore [ptrajanoimperadore]
[door?] [knockery?] [pdoorknockery]
[diagram] section [pdiagramsection]
PAGE: pp57L
PAGE: ppvL
FILE: St M Book 15 Aug.rtf
PAGE: stmpiiL
Western shaft [stmwesternshaft]
PAGE: stmpiiR
PAGE: stmp1R
St Marks Carta shaft [stmstmarkscartashaft]
PAGE: stmp2L
Cornice of Shaft A [stmcorniceofshafta]
PAGE: stmp2R
Top of Carta Shaft on A [stmtopofcartashaftona]
PAGE: stmp3L
PAGE: stmp3R
PAGE: stmp5R
a section of a2 b2 at p 16 [stmasectionofa2b2atp16]
PAGE: stmp6L
Porta della Carta [stmportadellacarta]
PAGE: stmp6R
PAGE: stmp7R
PAGE: stmp9L
Crockets. 108 [stmcrockets108]
PAGE: stmp9R
St Andrea. 207 [stmstandrea207]
PAGE: stmp10L
PAGE: stmp10R
PAGE: stmp11L
PAGE: stmp11R
PAGE: stmp12L
PAGE: stmp12R
H. Near Foscari [stmhnearfoscari]
PAGE: stmp13R
Quatt. Evangilisti [stmquattevangilisti]
PAGE: stmp14R
Remer. Corte del [stmremercortedel]
PAGE: stmp15L
Traceries generally [stmtraceriesgenerally]
PAGE: stmp15R
Schools of Venice [stmschoolsofvenice]
PAGE: stmp16R
Section with joints [stmsectionwithjoints]
Carta shaft A [stmcartashafta]
PAGE: stmp17R
PAGE: stmp18L
[diagram] Fig 3 [stmdiagramfig3]
PAGE: stmp18R
PAGE: stmp19R
a crust of ice [stmacrustofice]
PAGE: stmp20R
PAGE: stmp21R
PAGE: stmp22L
PAGE: stmp23R
vile modern mosaic [stmvilemodernmosaic]
PAGE: stmp25L
Basement of south side of first porch [stmbasementofsouthsideoffiretc]
PAGE: stmp26L
great plinth [stmgreatplinthxx1]
PAGE: stmp26R
The vine leaves [stmthevineleaves]
PAGE: stmp27L
PAGE: stmp27R
PAGE: stmp28L
PAGE: stmp28R
First Porch [stmfirstporchxx1]
Merceria side [stmmerceriaside]
PAGE: stmp29R
PAGE: stmp31R
PAGE: stmp32L
Archivolt between [stmarchivoltbetween]
PAGE: stmp32R
PAGE: stmp33L
Interval between [stmintervalbetween]
PAGE: stmp33R
PAGE: stmp34L
second porch farthest from sea [stmsecondporchfarthestfromsea]
PAGE: stmp34R
PAGE: stmp35L
Interval between [stmintervalbetweenxx1]
PAGE: stmp35R
great plinth [stmgreatplinthxx2]
PAGE: stmp36L
PAGE: stmp36R
Third porch [stmthirdporchxx1]
PAGE: stmp40L
great central portal [stmgreatcentralportal]
PAGE: stmp40R
great central portal [stmgreatcentralportalxx1]
great plinth [stmgreatplinthxx3]
PAGE: stmp41L
Central portal [stmcentralportal]
PAGE: stmp41R
great plinth [stmgreatplinthxx4]
PAGE: stmp42R
Central portal [stmcentralportalxx1]
a series of female figures [stmaseriesoffemalefigures]
sculpture of the months - drawn [stmsculptureofthemonthsdrawn]
PAGE: stmp43L
Great central [stmgreatcentral]
PAGE: stmp43R
Great outermost archivolt [stmgreatoutermostarchivolt]
PAGE: stmp44R
The one I drew is January [stmtheoneidrewisjanuary]
PAGE: stmp45R
Then the inner [stmthentheinner]
PAGE: stmp46L
Interval between [stmintervalbetweenxx2]
great plinth [stmgreatplinthxx5]
PAGE: stmp46R
PAGE: stmp47R
PAGE: stmp48R
Great central arch [stmgreatcentralarch]
PAGE: stmp49L
interval between [stmintervalbetweenxx3]
great plinth [stmgreatplinthxx6]
PAGE: stmp49R
Northern Porch [stmnorthernporch]
PAGE: stmp50L
Northern Porch [stmnorthernporchxx1]
PAGE: stmp50R
Northern Porch [stmnorthernporchxx2]
PAGE: stmp51R
Northern Porch [stmnorthernporchxx3]
PAGE: stmp52L
PAGE: stmp52R
PAGE: stmp53R
between 4th & 5th porch [stmbetween4th5thporch]
PAGE: stmp54R
PAGE: stmp55L
I could not reach [stmicouldnotreach]
PAGE: stmp55R
northern stilted arch [stmnorthernstiltedarch]
PAGE: stmp56L
Detached great Shaft next Clock with lily head [stmdetachedgreatshaftnextcletc]
PAGE: stmp57L
lily on the north side [stmlilyonthenorthside]
PAGE: stmp57R
PAGE: stmp58R
PAGE: stmp59R
PAGE: stmp60L
Vid p 211. M. 1 [stmvidp211m1]
PAGE: stmp60R
Niche at North west angle [stmnicheatnorthwestangle]
PAGE: stmp61L
PAGE: stmp61R
PAGE: stmp62L
[diagram] fig 1 [stmdiagramfig1]
PAGE: stmp62R
[diagram] fig 1 [stmdiagramfig1xx1]
PAGE: stmp63L
[diagram] fig 3 [stmdiagramfig3xx1]
PAGE: stmp63R
[drawing] fig 2 [stmdrawingfig2]
PAGE: stmp64L
the angle is always [stmtheangleisalways]
PAGE: stmp64R
Bacon palace [stmbaconpalacexx1]
Porta della Carta [stmportadellacartaxx1]
PAGE: stmp65aR
PAGE: stmp65bL
Great shaft of recess [stmgreatshaftofrecess]
PAGE: stmp65bR
arch clock side [stmarchclockside]
PAGE: stmp66L
PAGE: stmp66R
On the sea side [stmontheseaside]
PAGE: stmp67L
PAGE: stmp67R
PAGE: stmp68L
first to 2nd Porch [stmfirstto2ndporch]
PAGE: stmp69L
Third Porch [stmthirdporchxx2]
Interval between third and 4th Porch [stmintervalbetweenthirdand4etc]
PAGE: stmp69R
PAGE: stmp70L
Interval between 4th & 5th Porch [stmintervalbetween4th5thporch]
PAGE: stmp70R
PAGE: stmp71L
PAGE: stmp71R
PAGE: stmp72L
Gentile Bellini’s picture [stmgentilebellinispicture]
chain of figures [stmchainoffigures]
PAGE: stmp72R
PAGE: stmp73L
San Stefano [stmsanstefanoxx1]
PAGE: stmp73R
San Stefano [stmsanstefanoxx2]
PAGE: stmp75L
San Stefano [stmsanstefanoxx3]
PAGE: stmp80R
birds over north portico [stmbirdsovernorthportico]
PAGE: stmp81L
two red circles [stmtworedcircles]
vesica piscis [stmvesicapiscis]
PAGE: stmp82L
PAGE: stmp83L
Interval between 4th and 5th Porches [stmintervalbetween4thand5thetc]
PAGE: stmp83R
Interval between 4th and 5th Porches [stmintervalbetween4thand5thetcxx1]
PAGE: stmp86L
PAGE: stmp88L
PAGE: stmp88R
Campo St Margarita [stmcampostmargarita]
PAGE: stmp89L
Door in Campo St Margarita [stmdoorincampostmargarita]
PAGE: stmp89R
PAGE: stmp90L
[diagram] Fig 3 [stmdiagramfig3xx2]
bottom half of page cut away [stmbottomhalfofpagecutaway]
PAGE: stmp90R
[diagram] Fig 1 [stmdiagramfig1xx2]
PAGE: stmp91L
PAGE: stmp91R
PAGE: stmp92L
PAGE: stmp93L
PAGE: stmp94L
PAGE: stmp95L
PAGE: stmp96L
PAGE: stmp97L
PAGE: stmp98L
PAGE: stmp98R
Section of 34th [stmsectionof34th]
vid p. 97[L]. M2 [stmvidp97lm2]
PAGE: stmp99L
PAGE: stmp100L
judgment of Solomon [stmjudgmentofsolomon]
PAGE: stmp100R
Base of Western Shaft [stmbaseofwesternshaft]
PAGE: stmp101L
PAGE: stmp102L
PAGE: stmp103L
FILE: Verona Book 20 July.rtf
PAGE: vpi
PAGE: vpiiL
DOGANA ITALIANA [vdoganaitaliana]
PAGE: vpiiiR
See p. 118. (Vol 9.[a?] M.2) [vseep118vol9am2]
PAGE: vp1L
PAGE: vp1R
Height of side arch [vheightofsidearch]
PAGE: vp2L
vid No 178 fig 1 [vvidno178fig1]
PAGE: vp2R
PAGE: vp4R
PAGE: vp5R
PAGE: vp6R
Finial to cusp [vfinialtocusp]
PAGE: vp8R
Tomb of Can Grande / Effigy of Can Grande [vtombofcangrandeeffigyofcanetc]
notes at p. 123. M.2 [vnotesatp123m2]
PAGE: vp11L
North transept Cremona [vnorthtranseptcremona]
PAGE: vp11R
Dripstone brick [vdripstonebrick]
PAGE: vp12R
PAGE: vp13R
below dripstone [vbelowdripstone]
PAGE: vp14R
the round arch [vtheroundarch]
PAGE: vp15R
PAGE: vp17R
early French leaf [vearlyfrenchleaf]
PAGE: vp19R
PAGE: vp20R
PAGE: vp21L
PAGE: vp21R
The knights shields [vtheknightsshields]
PAGE: vp22R
Ecclesiastical [vecclesiastical]
PAGE: vp23R
Door . St John & Paul [vdoorstjohnpaul]
San Giorgio Maggiore [vsangiorgiomaggiore]
PAGE: vp24R
Byzantine Romanesque [vbyzantineromanesque]
PAGE: vp25R
PAGE: vp26R
Superimposition [vsuperimposition]
these [feeblest] [vthesefeeblest]
PAGE: vp27R
PAGE: vp28R
PAGE: vp30R
PAGE: vp31R
PAGE: vp32L
St G. di on Rialt [vstgdionrialt]
PAGE: vp32R
PAGE: vp33R
Lord Lind says [vlordlindsays]
PAGE: vp35R
p 105 Latin inscription [vp105latininscription]
PAGE: vp37L
The Gothic Base [vthegothicbase]
PAGE: vp37R
Venetian traceries [vvenetiantraceries]
PAGE: vp39L
Pillar supports [vpillarsupports]
PAGE: vp39R
The Laws of Good architecture [vthelawsofgoodarchitecture]
Byzantine Romanesque [vbyzantineromanesquexx1]
Gothic. Centralised in Ducal Palace [vgothiccentralisedinducalpaetc]
PAGE: vp40R
Trans. of Gothic into Renaissance [vtransofgothicintorenaissance]
Palladio . Utterly Vile [vpalladioutterlyvile]
Door of Frari St John & Paul [vdooroffraristjohnpaul]
Pillar, pier and buttress support [vpillarpierandbuttresssupport]
Of Bases. & basic plinths [vofbasesbasicplinths]
Capitals & Cornices [vcapitalscornices]
PAGE: vp42R
St Giac. di Rialto [vstgiacdirialto]
Ch. lV. St Marks [vchlvstmarks]
Ch V. Detached Palaces [vchvdetachedpalaces]
Byzantine Capitals [vbyzantinecapitals]
Byzantine Cornices [vbyzantinecornices]
PAGE: vp43R
PAGE: vp44R
PAGE: vp51L
PAGE: vp52L
Transept arches [vtranseptarches]
PAGE: vp53L
[drawing] fig 1 [vdrawingfig1]
PAGE: vp53R
architectural / The changes of fashion [varchitecturalthechangesoffetc]
PAGE: vp54L
PAGE: vp58L
PAGE: vp58R
Giotto’s chapel at Avignon [vgiottoschapelatavignon]
PAGE: vp61R
essay on baptism [vessayonbaptism]
PAGE: vp63R
conjectured from Scripture [vconjecturedfromscripture]
Bp calls it heresy [vbpcallsitheresy]
PAGE: vp65L
PAGE: vp65R
length of days [vlengthofdays]
PAGE: vp66R
blessed for ever [vblessedforever]
Arch at L Orange [varchatlorange]
PAGE: vp67R
I entreat those persons [vientreatthosepersons]
PAGE: vp68R
practice of the church [vpracticeofthechurch]
PAGE: vp69R
different thing [vdifferentthing]
PAGE: vp70R
do not quarrel [vdonotquarrel]
PAGE: vp71R
serving the Devil [vservingthedevil]
PAGE: vp73R
the churches words [vthechurcheswords]
PAGE: vp74L
Church at Blet [vchurchatblet]
PAGE: vp74R
It may be understood [vitmaybeunderstood]
PAGE: vp75R
If you can hold [vifyoucanhold]
A to end. p. 155 [vatoendp155]
PAGE: vp78R
PAGE: vp79L
PAGE: vp79R
PAGE: vp80L
PAGE: vp80R
PAGE: vp91R
Cathedral at Genoa [vcathedralatgenoa]
PAGE: vp92L
exactly like pierced roll of Rouen [vexactlylikepiercedrollofrouen]
PAGE: vp92R
Pinched crockets [vpinchedcrockets]
FILE: Sheet Trans 19 July.rtf
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Gate at Verona. P 22. M [wsgateatveronap22m]
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Greater Scala Monument [wsgreaterscalamonument]
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No 10. Tracings [wsno10tracings]
PAGE: wsp11
No 11. Details of bases [wsno11detailsofbases]
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No 12. Measures of Doges palace [wsno12measuresofdogespalace]
[diagram] g f e d c b a [wsdiagramgfedcba]
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No 15 Casa d ‘Oro [wsno15casadoro]
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Fig 2. Eye sketch [wsfig2eyesketch]
No 16. Ca ‘ Doro [wsno16cadoro]
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No 17 Ca’ d’ Oro [wsno17cadoro]
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No 19. Church of Frari [wsno19churchoffrari]
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Tracery of our window balcony. Danielis [wstraceryofourwindowbalconyetc]
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arches of balustrade [wsarchesofbalustrade]
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Fondaco de Turchi [wsfondacodeturchi]
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No 34 Palazzo Danieli [wsno34palazzodanieli]
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Fondaco di Turchi [wsfondacoditurchi]
No 37. Palace opposite post office [wsno37palaceoppositepostoffice]
PAGE: wsp38reverse
Danieli Traceries [wsdanielitraceries]
PAGE: wsp39
Details. St Stefano [wsdetailsststefano]
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Santo Stefano [wssantostefano]
PAGE: wsp43
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Palazzo Pisani [wspalazzopisani]
PAGE: wsp49
great Foscari [wsgreatfoscari]
PAGE: wsp54
Housebook 2. No 64 [wshousebook2no64]
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Corte del Remer [wscortedelremer]
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No 69 Palazzo Cavalli [wsno69palazzocavalli]
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Façade of Doges Palace [wsfaadeofdogespalace]
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Central Balcony of Doges palace [wscentralbalconyofdogespalace]
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Shield of Arnold’s Tomb [wsshieldofarnoldstomb]
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St Mark’s Southern Portico from the West front [wsstmarkssouthernporticofroetc]
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St Marks Basic Plinths [wsstmarksbasicplinths]
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Porta di Ferro [wsportadiferro]
PAGE: wsp136
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Panel moulding [wspanelmoulding]
PAGE: wsp141
Carta Judgment [wscartajudgment]
PAGE: wsp142
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No 148. Traceries Frari [wsno148traceriesfrari]
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No 152 Traceries. Frari [wsno152traceriesfrari]
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Palace Near Post Office [wspalacenearpostoffice]
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No 157 Tracery at San Sebastiano [wsno157traceryatsansebastiano]
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No.162. Inner arch [wsno162innerarch]
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PAGE: wsp165half
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No 182 San Michele Pavia [wsno182sanmichelepavia]
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Bourges. No 188 [wsbourgesno188]
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PAGE: wsp206fragments
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[Version 0.05: May 2008]