House no 29. Next 28

The Hotel Bauer Grunwald (S. Marco 1459, Nadali & Vianello (1999) Tav. 41) now occupying this site is not the building described by Ruskin. The description does not match and there is evidence from Uuniversita Iuav di Venezia Giovanni Sardi Archive that the Baur Grunwald was commissioned by Giulio Grunwald fromGiovanni Sardi (not Giuseppe Sardi which is suggested in some Guides but impossible in terms of style and date) and opened in 1901. It replaced two buildings owned by Grunwald, and that is perhaps the explanation for the difficulty with Ruskin’s account for the modern observer. It was said at the time that it brought back to life the true spirit of Venetian Gothic architecture.

See also Door Book p.7, Door No. 7

(Franzoi and Smith (1993) p. 301, No 307 Grand Canal (Left Bank))

The Hotel Bauer Grunwald (S. Marco 1459). The current building occupies the site of the former one seen by Ruskin (S. Marco 1459). Grand Canal (Left Bank).
The Hotel Bauer Grunwald (S. Marco 1459). The current building occupies the site of the former one seen by Ruskin (S. Marco 1459). Grand Canal (Left Bank).

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[Version 0.05: May 2008]