Civic Numbers
The addresses of secular buildings in Venice are given by Sestiere (San Marco, for example, or Castello) followed by the Civic number. Map references are given for Nadali & Vianello (1999), but another way of locating buildings is here.
For a secular building with a civic number:
- Click on ‘Street Numbers’.
- On that window enter the sestiere by scrolling down, and fill in the number field with the Civic number. Do not enter the name. Click the ‘SUBMIT’ button.
- On the next window below the ‘SUBMIT’ button and to its left an address will appear underlined and in blue. Click on that link, and the map will appear to the right of the next window, with a zoom tool at the top right, and arrows on the map to shift its centre. A red balloon shows the location of the building.
For religious buildings without a civic number:
- On the first window click on ‘More Searches’ at the top right.
- Click on ‘Churches’ in the list of special searches in the new window.
- In the next window type the name of the church in the ‘NAME’ field, and click submit.
- In the next window the name will appear (sometimes with possible alternatives) underlined in blue underneath the submit button. Click on the appropriate name and the next window will show the location on a map.
[Version 0.05: May 2008]