23rd Capital

The reference is to the 23rd Capital of the Ducal Palace. Series of Capitals of the Lower Arcade.

Ruskin at Palace Book p.45 and Notebook M2 p.95 follows what Selvatico says of the nationalities represented in the 23rd Capital. At Works, 10.410 a footnote attempts to resolve the problem by suggesting that the 16th and the 23rd are the same. However for the differences as perceived at the time by Ruskin compare the passage at Palace Book p.45 with that at Palace Book p.33 and compare Notebook M2 p.95 withM.172/3.

Notebook M p.182L ‘Selvatico’s description of this pillar with do: only note in 3 (rd side) that she is crowning her brow with a chaplet of roses and her costume is the braided hair down back and flowing over foreheads of Simon Memmi’

Capitals of Ducal Palace (Piazzetta facade) No 23 (14) National Types
Capitals of Ducal Palace (Piazzetta facade) No 23 (14) National Types

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[Version 0.05: May 2008]