No 190

‘Bases. It is better than the irregular projection at Lyons - the outer line at g2 is right, and e e2 should be parallel with it. In No 190 the straight cut hollow of the upper section is a certain fact in some of the bases; the elliptical line is conjectural one in other. This whole hollow is a mistake in architecture ['in architecture' is an insertion] as most of the rest of the base, but the hollow especially looking as if the shaft were loose in the socket. It is a curious instance of beautiful lines misapplied. The angle leaves are varied fleur de lis, but now so worn that their real outline cannot be traced.’ Notebook M p.177.

Works, 9.336 (facing) Plate 10 ‘Profiles of Bases’, fig 26. This whole Sheet provides only mall illustration at the bottom of the plate.

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[Version 0.05: May 2008]