See St M[arks] Book p.44. ‘The one I drew is January’ (whereabouts unknown). Also Works, 10.316 n.1, for a brief editorial note on the sculptures of the archivolts of St Mark’s central entrance. Works, 10.317-322 for Ruskin’s examination of the sculptures of the Months. In St M. Book, Ruskin does not discuss the carvings of the outer arch of the central porch but see Works, 9.428 and Works, 10.315 ‘the great outer entrance’. He returns to the subject much later at Works, 24.286-7 St. Mark’s Rest, V111. The Requiem (1884). Compare also Notebook M2 p.36 where the carving of leaves on the outer arch ‘whirl in succession round a ball of tracery’.
Tigler notes: ‘The intrados of the middle arch depicts the twelve months of the year, represented as was customary in medieval art by their personifications, most of them engaged in agricultural activities. They are accompanied by explanatory scrolls and the appropriate signs of the zodiac. Tigler (2000) p.68.
[Version 0.05: May 2008]