No 50 on M.73 and M.74; No 49 and 50 on M.5L

Compare Notebook M p.73 (where Figure ‘O’ is be said from near Madonna dell’ Orto and is to be shown on Sheet No. 50 [n/a]) with Notebook M p.74 (where Sheet No. 50 [n/a] D is said to be of the ‘beautiful window of the Abbazia’ though which ‘abbazia’ is not specified).

The traceries of the Abbazia della Misericordia are mentioned at Works, 11.284f and the traceries of the attached Albergo are praised at Works, 11.393f. That ‘abbazia’ is near the Madonna dell’ Orto. However, the only other certain references to the Abbazia della Misericordia in M are at Notebook M p.120 and Notebook M p.121, where it is mentioned to define a location; and at Notebook M p.5L, section 14, where it seems to be listed as something still to be seen, and that was clearly written after the reference to Sheet No. 50 [n/a]. There are no references to the Misericordia in M2. There are references in Sheet No. 44 [n/a] to the traceries of Abbazia San Gregorio. However that could not be described as near Madonna dell’ Orto.

The situation is further complicated by some ambiguity about the subject of Sheet No. 50 [n/a] at M5L:

3. Verify section of door on No 49.
4. Get Masonry of archivolt and section of its filleted roll in No 50.
8. Verify. shafts question Foscari No 56 and its door section No 49.

If the word ‘its’ in section 4 refers back to the door on Sheet No. 49 mentioned in section 3 , then it can be deduced from section 8, which gives both Sheet No. 49 and Sheet No. 56 [n/a] as concerned with the Foscari house, that Sheet No. 50 [n/a] would also contain material on the Foscari concerned with the door shown on Sheet No. 49. However that conclusion must remain uncertain. Just as the word ‘its’ in section 8 refers back to ‘Foscari 56’ in the same section, so the word ‘its’ in section 3 need not refer to anything other than ‘archivolt’ in the same section. If section 4 did refer back to section 3 then a more natural sentence structure would be ‘Get masonry of its archivolt’. However the arguments cannot be conclusive on the basis of this evidence alone.

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[Version 0.05: May 2008]