House No. 10

For House No. 10 in Ruskin’s system see House Book 1 p.12, and drawing at House Book 1 p.12L, which is clearly of Palazzo Molin Balbi Valier at Dorsoduro 866, Nadali & Vianello (1999) Tav. 50, Notebook M p.64 and Notebook M2 p.70; Sheet No. 42. ‘December 5th. p 63. 64’. (RL 1636 box) (part); Sheet No. 43. ‘Nov Dec 5th. p.64’. ‘Base drawn real size with paper against it at angle shaft’ (RL 1636 box).

Zanotto in Zanotto (1847) p.449 writes that it shows a curious mixture of styles: he lists it first with buldings of the ‘stile Byzantino misto’ on the grounds that it shows something of the original Byzantine form: ‘imperocchè, nei tre archi del centro nel pian terreno conservato è il modo bizantino misto, col quale eretto aveasi tutta intera la fabbrica dai Molini, primi signori’. He also lists it with those which are Sansovinean as a result of its 17th century reworking.

For a photograph of the same house, though with a slightly different version of the name, see here.

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[Version 0.05: May 2008]