Notebook M p.92 Palazzo Ducale ‘Fig 2 joins 68 L at R and completes the arch fig 1 eye whole lower sketch of the arch, with measures’
Notebook M pp.90-2 Ruskin refers to the following missing sheets: Notebook M p.90, 68 A; Notebook M p.91L; 68 E, A, and D I; Notebook M p.91, 68 A; 68 B, 68 D; 68 E; 68 F; 68 G. Notebook M p.92, 68 H; 68 I; 68 L; 68 Q; and 68 O. Only 68C; 68F; 68G; 68K; 68M; 68N and 68P remain in the Ruskin Library.
[Version 0.05: May 2008]