Palazzo Priuli (Castello 4979a, Nadali & Vianello (1999) Tav. 31) is referred to in the notebooks at Notebook M p.195; Notebook M2 p.3; Notebook M2 p.34; Notebook M2 pp.67-68; Door Book p.19; Door Book p.39L; Door Book pp.43L and 43; Gothic Book p.78; House Book 1 p.61. See ‘b’ of Plate XVIII facing Works, 10.310 for its ‘range of fifth order windows’; Works, 11.28f on the use of colour; Works, 11.399 where it is called in the Venetian Index ‘a most beautiful and important early Gothic palace. Sheet No. 135 (RF 1625) Fig 1. Sheet No. 135. ‘Fig 1’ (Whereabouts unknown but may be part of RL (RF 1625).
[Version 0.05: May 2008]