On Michele Morosini’s tomb see Works, 11.14 - ‘every one of the Renaissance errors is here in complete development’ and so for Ruskin it is necessarily after the severe architecture of the Ducal Palace; Works, 11.98 - it is ‘the richest monument of the Gothic period in Venice’; Works, 11.100f where Ruskin draws attention to the fact that it is the first Venetian tomb showing the Virtues; and see Works, 11.257 on the justice of that association with the Virtues. There are references in the Notebooks at Gothic Book p.21; Notebook M2 p.16; Notebook M2 p.26; Notebook M2 p.28; Notebook M2 p.43.
It is cited in Ruskin’s index at Notebook M2 p.192 as an example of a fine effigy.
[Version 0.05: May 2008]