The church of SS. Maria e Donato at Murano receives a much fuller treatment in Chapter III of Stones of Venice II, starting at Works, 10.36, than in the notebooks.
On its cornices and their importance see Notebook M p.152 and Notebook M2 p.46, and Notebook M pp.192L and 192.
On the addition of leaves to plinth and capital at Murano see Notebook M2 p.54 and the reference there to Gothic Book p.51.
At Notebook M pp.138f Ruskin remarks on an early form of dentil around a relief of birds and flowers. He considers the relief and the moulding to be of Byzantine or Aquileian origin. There is a reference to Gothic Book p.51 and Gothic Book p.52; and the dentil is mentioned at Works, 9.326 and illustrated as 18 of Plate 9 facing Works, 9.318.
[Version 0.05: May 2008]