Bacon palace

This is the Palazzo Zorzi-Bon at (Castello 4907, Nadali & Vianello (1999) Tav. 31). For description see Notebook M p.112; Notebook M pp.116-118; Palace Book p.11; Notebook M2 p.3 on circle decoration; Notebook M2 p.6 on capitals. See Notebook M2 p.32 for the ‘bacon’ as ‘rosso di Egitto’. See Works, 10.308 for a description.

The Fondamenta San Severo viewed from the Palazzo Dona-Ottoboni. Palazzo Zorzi-Bon (Bacon palace) (left) Palazzo Priuli (centre) distance.
The Fondamenta San Severo viewed from the Palazzo Dona-Ottoboni. Palazzo Zorzi-Bon (Bacon palace) (left) Palazzo Priuli (centre) distance.

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[Version 0.05: May 2008]