
Palazzo Dandolo-Gritti-Bernardo-Moncenigo (Danieli) (Castello 4196, Nadali & Vianello (1999) Tav. 43). Ruskin, his wife Effie, her friend Charlotte Ker, and John Hobbs were resident in Venice, at the Danieli by 13th November 1849. See Works, 11.346, and Plate 14 facing Works, 11.346. At Works, 11.395 in the Venetian Index it is described as a glorious example of the central Gothic.

Indexed by Ruskin in M as Bernardo Mocenigo, originally Dandolo, it became the Danieli hotel at Castello 4196. In the Venetian Index at Works, 11.395 it is referred to as Nani-Mocenigo.

References in M:

Ruskin’s Index at Notebook M p.220 reads: ‘Danieli, (Bernardo Mocenigo) Ca 51-54, 121, 158’. The first is the extended passage of architectural measurement and description beginning at Notebook M p.51; the second is Notebook M p.121; by 158 Ruskin means Notebook M p.158L, and that is related to the note at Notebook M pp.161-2 (where Ruskin had brick broken away to look at the original structure of the arch to the water).

References elsewhere in the Notebooks:

Notebook M2 p.33 as part of a note on dates and the sequence of building of houses, the small central door is seen as a modernism.

Bit Book p.37 section of finestrata;

Bit Book p.62L on gutter dogtooth;

House Book 1 p.42 leaf compared with Palazzo Contarini;

House Book 2 p.4L comparison with House 52 Palazzo Trevisan degli Ulivi

Danieli: Palazzo Dandolo-Gritti-Bernardo-Moncenigo
Danieli: Palazzo Dandolo-Gritti-Bernardo-Moncenigo

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[Version 0.05: May 2008]