Merceria St Zulian

At Notebook M p.208 Ruskin refers to two houses side by side in the Merceria San Zulian, one to the left with attached windows, one to the right with detached 4th Order windows. House Book 1 p.6 is concerned with the house to the right and illustrates the 4th Order window. Bit Book p.19 illustrates a second story 4th Order window of the house to the right.

Bit Book p.17, Bit Book p.18 are concerned with the house to the left with the 5th Order attached windows. See Works, 10.302 Plate XVII No 3; Ruskin comments on the next page, Works, 10.304, ‘from a small but very noble house in the Merceria’.

Detail of two adjoining houses in Merceria S. Zulian with part of an attached 5th Order window of the house to the left
Detail of two adjoining houses in Merceria S. Zulian with part of an attached 5th Order window of the house to the left

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[Version 0.05: May 2008]