12th House

Palazzo Loredan dell’ Ambasciatore (Dorsoduro 1261, Nadali & Vianello (1999) Tav. 40). Called “dell’ Ambasciatore” because it was once the residence of the Emperor’s ambassadors to the Republic. Rama degli Ambasciatore would be the street leading to the palace of the same name. However it is the Calle dei Cerchieri that now leads to the entrance of Palazzo Loredan dell’ Ambasciatore. There is a walled-up Gothic door at the left which must once have been the principal street entrance, and the ramo leading to it presumably had that name. See Bit Book p.33; House Book 1 pp.14f; Notebook M p.66; Notebook M p.71; Notebook M p.123; and reference there to the sentence marked with a cross at Notebook M p.122 though that sentence is unclear in the manuscript; Notebook M p.24.

House Book 1 p.15 The twelfth house continued, ‘bracket with flowers unique’

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[Version 0.05: May 2008]