great plinth

One of the plinths running along the church. Ruskin identifies four horizontal architectural features as ‘plinths’ on the western façade and sides of St Mark’s. The Basic Plinth; a second plinth just above it on which stand the lower storey columns; the Great Plinth between the upper and lower columns, a dominant wide band; and the Ice Plinth which surmounts the upper columns.

For the Great Plinth see: St M[arks] Book p.22L; St M[arks] Book p.25; St M[arks] Book p.26L; St M[arks] Book p.35; St M[arks] Book p.40; St M[arks] Book p.41; St M[arks] Book p.46L; St M[arks] Book p.49L; St M[arks] Book p.49; St M[arks] Book p.53.

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