Bacon Palace

This is the Palazzo Zorzi-Bon at Castello 4907, Nadali & Vianello (1999) Tav. 31. For description see Notebook M p.112; Notebook M pp.116-118; Palace Book p.11; Notebook M2 p.3 on circle decoration; Notebook M2 p.6 on capitals, and photograph below for disposition of long and short capitals as described at Notebook M p.116, and windows as described on Notebook M p.117:


See Notebook M2 p.32 for the ‘bacon’ as ‘rosso di Egitto’. On Bit Book pp.78L and 78 it seems to be contrasted with the red stone of Verona.

See Works, 10.308 for a description.

At Palace Book p.11 it is called House No 58. House Book 2 p.12 has another House No 58, Palazzo Priuli Bon on the Grand Canal at S. Croce 1979. The reference in Palace Book is presumably a slip.

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[Version 0.05: May 2008]