Vid p. 142. M

Notebook M p.142 ‘Then: on the opposite page: 1 is horizontal section at a the stilted arches worked with underlaid slabs round edged: (? has an outer roll been removed in restorations) 2 Section on the line b; showing the curious little double ordered archivolt - all cut in from the flat surface of the panel. 3 section through c; showing incision of triangular line, and the little back of the archivolt, and the small capital through its side. 4 the same small capital, larger. 5, base of small shaft, showing how it projects over the panel mouldings which go entirely round: and as they come between the small archivolts, and the roll of the great cornice, so they come between the small bases, and the roll of the great base.’

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[Version 0.05: May 2008]