No 175

Notebook M2 p.119 ‘The masonry of the side arch is given in ink on No 175 and one of the capitals. Drawn by Ruskin 11th March 1851 on return journey from Venice.

Notebook M2 p.119L.

Works, 9.176 Woodblock illustration (Fig 34) of Tomb of Count Guglielmo Castlebarco (1320) St Anastasia, Verona.

Works, 9.175-6 ‘the masonry of the side arch of, as far as I know or am able to judge, the most perfect Gothic sepulchral monument in the world’

Works, 9.176 (facing) Plate D The Castlebarco Tomb Verona.

Works, 9.340 (facing) Plate XI Plans of Bases, No. 7.

Works, 19.451 [n/a] (facing) Plate XXV The Castlebarco Tomb, Verona. From a drawing by Ruskin of 1835 first published as Plate 5 in Verona and its Rivers, 1894.

See Bradley (1955) p.195. Letter 155, 24th February [1852] ‘my most beloved- at St Anastasia’

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