Measures at S. Apostoli

The drawing at Notebook M2 p.75L is clearly the Ca’ da Mosto at Cannaregio 5631, Nadali & Vianello (1999) Tav. 50. Compare Ruskin’s drawing of the facade in Birmingham City Art Gallery, No.1902P12, given by Mrs Arthur Severn. See Works, 38.296 [n/a], where it is entitled ‘Above the Rialto’ and dated 1852.

There is a curved bracket to the left enclosing the written part of Notebook M2 p.75L, and a side line to the right. They match the side line to the left of the first part of Notebook M2 p.75, and the bracket to the left of the second part of Notebook M2 p.75.

There are references to ‘Palazzo at S. Apostoli’, the Ca’ da Mosto at Cannaregio 5631, at Notebook M2 pp.75L and 75; Door Book pp.51L and 51; Works, 10.296, and Works, 11.362 where Ruskin dates the earliest parts to the first half of the thirteenth century.

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[Version 0.05: May 2008]