chapter notes
Ruskin here begins to make notes for the organisation of chapters and sections within The Stones of Venice. The notes continue with gaps at Verona Book p.22, 23L and 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 31, 32L and 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39L and 39, 40, 41, 42L and 42, 43. For a discussion of the significance for the organisation of The Stones of Venice of this material, and in particular of the section at Verona Book pp.39-43 and Verona Book pp.36-37, see Hewison (2006).
The final organisation of Sections and Chapters within The Stones of Venice is:
VOLUME 1. The Foundations
- 1. The Quarry
- 2. The Virtues of Architecture
- 3. The Six Divisions of Architecture
- 4. The Wall Base
- 5. The Wall Veil
- 7. The Wall Cornice
- 8. The Shaft
- 9. The Capital
- 10. The Arch Line
- 11. The Arch Masonry
- 12. The Arch Load
- 13. The Roof
- 14. The Roof Cornice
- 15. The Buttress
- 16. Form of Aperture
- 17. Filling of Aperture
- 18. Protection of Aperture
- 19. Superimposition
- 20. The Material of Ornament
- 21. Treatment of Ornament
- 22. The Angle
- 23. The Edge and Fillet
- 24. The Roll and Recess
- 25. The Base
- 26. The Wall Veil and Shaft
- 27. The Cornice and Capital
- 28. The Archivolt and Aperture
- 29. The Roof
- 30. The Vestibule
VOLUME 2. The Sea-Stories
First, Or Byzantine Period
- 1. The Throne
- 2. Torcello
- 3. Murano
- 4. St. Mark’s
- 5. Byzantine Palaces
Second, Or Gothic Period
- 1. The Nature of Gothic
- 2. Gothic Palaces
- 3. The Ducal Palace
VOLUME 3. The Fall
Third, Or Renaissance Period
- 1. Early Renaissance
- 2. Roman Renaissance
- 3. Grotesque Renaissance
- 4. Conclusion
For a complete list of Content details see;
- Volume 1: The Foundations, Works, 9.ix-x, where Ruskin lists thirty Chapter titles.
- Volume 2: The Sea-Stories, Works, 10.xi-xii, where Ruskin lists the First, or Byzantine Period and Second, or Gothic Period, which include eight Chapter titles.
- Volume 3: The Fall, Works, 11.ix-x, where Ruskin lists the Third, or Renaissance Period, which includes four Chapter titles.
[Version 0.05: May 2008]