7. Cavalli. ascribed to 13th century

This is Zanotto (1847) p.422, house number 7, Ruskin’s House 30, San Marco 2847, Nadali & Vianello (1999) Tav. 50, described at House Book 1 p.35. See also Notebook M pp.92-3 and Sheet No. 69. It is not the same as the Cavalli next the Post Office mentioned at Notebook M p.145L.

This building is described as next to the Palazzo Barbaro (see House Book 1 p.31L, House Book 1 p.71) and ‘opposite the Academy of Arts’ and the Accademia Bridge (see Works, 11.368). It was substantially rebuilt for Baron Franchetti, after whom it is now named, at the end of the nineteenth century, but it is possible to gather from the existing building some idea of what Ruskin saw. Its address is San Marco 2847. It appears to be the building Ruskin has in mind whenever he refers to a Palazzo (or Casa) Cavalli without qualification; the same is true of Zanotto, and of Selvatico (1847) p.113 who writes:

Una assai pregevole opera di questo stilo, sebbene a parer mio di molto posteriore, è pure il Palazzo Cavallisul gran canale al tragitto di San Vitale. Le forme archi-acute si mostrano ottimamente disposte e scolpite, ma sopra ogni casa spicca il finestrato continuo del piano nobile, il quale sulle colonne gentili che lo dividiano regge archi semicircolari che vaghissamente si intrecciano fra loro per formarne di acuti.

For images of the building as it was before the rebuilding for Franchetti and an outline of its history see here.

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[Version 0.05: May 2008]