House No - 31

Palazzo Dona della Madonnetta (S. Polo 1429b, Nadali & Vianello (1999) Tav. 28). Known by Ruskin as the Madonnetta House ‘The Little Madonna’ or as the ‘Police House’. There are references at House Book 1 pp.36L and 36; Notebook M p.82; Notebook M p.83; Notebook M2 p.5L; Notebook M2 p.54 on the development of capitals; Notebook M2 p.97; and at Works, 11.277 on the leafage of the capitals. At Works, 10.454 Ruskin says: ‘I shall call it, from the name of its Traghetto, the Madonnetta House’ Sheet No. 62 [n/a] and Sheet No. 63 [n/a], whereabouts unknown.

(Franzoi and Smith (1993) p. 92, No. 61 Grand Canal (Right Bank))

See Lutyens (1965) p. 86n. ‘Referred to in Ruskin’s diary [i.e. M] as the ‘Police House’, and in The Stones as the ‘Madonnetta House’, one of the eight remaining Byzantine palaces. It is on the Grand Canal almost opposite the Ca’ Grimani and is now the privately owned Palazzo Dona’

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