No 55 The Staircase

Palazzo Magno (Castello 2693, Nadali & Vianello (1999) Tav. 32). The entrance is in Calle Magno, a narrow alley which runs off Camp. llo Due Pozzi. On the other side of the Palace is Calle dell Angello. This building was called Palazzo Bembo in 1849. It has an open-air staircase in the courtyard. Selvatico 118 discusses and illustrates staircases. He mentions the Palazzo Soranzo in Campo San Polo and the ‘Sanuto ora Vanaxel a S. Maria dei Miracoli’. However he concludes his discussion of staircases with the comment: “Le quali tutte però no mi paiono eguagliare in merito quella Bembo alla Celestia in Calle Magno.” See Works, 11.364; (formerly Palazzo Benbo) Notebook M p.110 for the reference to its staircase; Notebook M2 p.34 for its place in Zanotto’s sequence of houses; House Book 2 pp.7L and 7; Door Book p.26 for its door.

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[Version 0.05: May 2008]