Examples of particular architectural features recorded in the notebooks are discussed and illustrated in Stones of Venice:

Archivolts: Works, 10.61 (fig.a); Works, 10.115 (Plate 6), Works, 10.315 for the carvings of the central porch; Works, 11.279f and Plate 8 facing Works, 11.279, No 7, archivolt of south porch, and No 12, archivolt of north porch.

Bases: Works, 9.341; Works, 9.343 (Plate 11) - and see also Notebook M p.199; Works, 9.345.

Capitals: Works, 9.148 (capitals produced by cornices compare Notebook M p.152 and Notebook M2 p.53); Works, 9.385; Works, 10.271f; Works, 10.274; Works, 11.322 (Plate 3).

Lily Capital: Works, 9.386, Works, 10.160 (Plate 8), Works, 10.164 (Plate 9), Works, 10.283; Works, 11.331, Works, 11.332 (Plate 7);

Cornices: Works, 9.95 - and figure at Works, 9.93; Works, 9.325 - dentiled cornices; Plate 16 facing Works, 9.365 with comments at Works, 9.365 and Works, 9.368ff - characteristic examples of the simplest cornice profiles.

Crypt: Works, 9.41;

Mouldings of upper colonnade: Works, 9.336

Niches: Works, 9.330f set out Ruskin’s views on the definition of niche - which appears to include tabernacle and aedicule - and the questions raised by the use of niches in Gothic architecture; Works, 10.243 on the niche as characteristic of Gothic; Works, 12.198f on the differences between Northern and Southern Gothic niches

Porches and Porticos, Works, 9.245; 10.89 and footnote on Works, 10.91 Arabian porch; Works, 10.152 on the similarities in the organisation of the porches of St. Mark’s and those of Byzantine palaces; Works, 10.450; Works, 12.90, Works, 8.121 ball-ornament from central porch;
northern, Works, 10.450, Works, 9.336 its shafts,
southern, Works, 9.245, Works, 9.383, Works, 11.330 (Plate 6), Works, 29.131 [n/a] (Plate 4); Footnotes at restored, Works, 10.115 and Works, 11.18.
screen Works, 11.274
shafts Works, 9.132, Appendix 9 at Works, 10.448ff

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[Version 0.05: May 2008]