San Fermo Maggiore

On the arches of San Fermo Maggiore in Verona see Works, 9.169 and the illustration facing Works, 9.168, Works, 10.303 and the reference there to Plate XVII facing Works, 10.302.

Ruskin visited Verona on his journey to Venice with comments on the Scala monuments dated November 6th. He visited again on his return journey, with one entry for 11th March. There are comments on the early Gothic arcade of the north side of San Fermo at Notebook M2 p.121. This was clearly written after Bit Book p.63L. On the arches of the West Front see Bit Book p.22L.

On the exterior apse and its shafts and capitals see Notebook M2 p.128L

There are observations of a banded pointed door at Bit Book p.58L.

At Bit Book p.64L Ruskin makes his familiar contrast between Byzantine style and the life and energy of Gothic.

Verona, San Fermo, West Front
Verona, San Fermo, West Front

Verona, San Fermo, West Front, detail, ogee in pointed arch
Verona, San Fermo, West Front, detail, ogee in pointed arch

San Fermo, Verona, from South East
San Fermo, Verona, from South East

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[Version 0.05: May 2008]