Palazzo Agnus Dei (S. Croce 2060, Nadali & Vianello (1999) Tav. 16) has a patera with the lamb of God at canal entrance, and fenestration with an Annunciation and symbols of the Evangelists. It is at the Ponte del Forner. See Bit Book pp.31f; Notebook M pp.215-216; Works, 10.309 ‘Two most important examples are left of the experiments made at this period; one at the Ponte de Forner [. . .] a noble house in which the spandrils of the windows are filled by the emblems of the four Evangelists, scuptured in deep relief’
Ponte dei Forner: Palazzo Agnus Dei (S. Croce 2060) |
Second door: Palazzo Agnus Dei (S. Croce 2060) |
Windows: Palazzo Agnus Dei (S. Croce 2060) |
Ponte dei Forner: Palazzo Agnus Dei (S. Croce 2060) |
Door-Head: Palazzo Agnus Dei (S. Croce 2060) |
Second door: Palazzo Agnus Dei (S. Croce 2060) |
Windows: Palazzo Agnus Dei (S. Croce 2060) |
[Version 0.05: May 2008]