dates for the building and rebuilding of the Ducal Palace
Ruskin’s conclusions as reported in his published works at this period, in a form based on the index in Cook and Wedderburn, are:
- 809 Ducal residence removed to Venice Works, 9.41.
- 813 Byzantine Palace Works, 10.72; Works, 10.336.
- 976 burnt.Works, 10.72.
- 1000-1100 first complete Works, 24.256
- 1301 Gothic Palace Works, 10.339 and following
- Gradenigo’s room Works, 10.340
- 1341 Sala del Gran Consiglio built and decorated Works, 10.345
- 1419 fire at Works, 10.349
- 1423 Gothic Palace finished Works, 10.346
- the two palaces Byzantine or Vecchio, Gothic or Nuovo Works. condition of at this time Works, 10.347
- decree v. rebuilding Works, 10.348. Works, 10.351
- Renaissance palace begun.Ziani destroyed Works, 10.347; the death-knell of Venetian architecture Works, 10.352; though partly the best bit of Renaissance in Venice Works, 9.322
- 1439-41 building of the Porta della Carta Works, 10.353
- 1479 fire at Works, 10.354
- 1483-98 Giants’ staircase built Works, 10.354
- 1511 lily falling from Works, 10.283
- 1560 Renaissance palace finished Works, 10.354
- 1574 fire at Works, 10.279; Works, 10.354; Works, 12.186fn; Works, 24.184fn.
- restoration after fire. architects’ proposals.Works, 10.355
- 1835 condition of, as drawn by Ruskin. Works, 35.182 (Plate 8)
- 1845-51 condition of, whitewashed Works, 4.41 [n/a]. Works, 10.466; endangered by Austrian guns Works, 16.461 [n/a]
[Version 0.05: May 2008]