
At Notebook M p.134 Ruskin writes: ‘To be read tonight if pos. Cicogna p 30 Housebook 2.’ The page reference is to House Book 2 p.30 and not to Cicognara, De Fabbriche e i monumenti cospicui di Venezia and not to Cicogna Iscrizioni, No. 125 on the church of the Madonnna dell’ Orto. Selvatico 140 cites Cicogna Iscrizioni ii.27 on Madonna dell’ Orto, and this is perhaps the source of Ruskin’s reference. The reference is to the Benzi-Zecchini - or Benci-Zecchini - family who built a Palazzzo in the late sixteenth century in the parish of Madonna dell’ Orto at Cannaregio 3458.

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[Version 0.05: May 2008]