31st Capital of the Ducal Palace Lower Arcade
This, in Ruskin’s final system, adopted from Selvatico (1847) p.128, and starting from the Ponte della Paglia, is the thirty-first of the capitals of the Ducal Palace. Series of Capitals of Lower Arcade.
- Number in Ruskin’s final system: 31
- Alternative number starting from Porta della Carta: 6
- Number, using Ruskin’s final system, of earlier model: 8
- Subject matter: Arion / monsters
- Leafage 2nd/3rd Order: Notebook M2 p.101, and compare the division into rows in Plate XX at Works, 10.431. See Works, 11.276 for a list of the buildings from which the images at Plate XX are taken, and Works, 11.276-278 for a discussion of the development of the leafage of capitals.
- Date: 15th Century
- Notebook references: Notebook M p.186; Notebook M2 p.101; Palace Book p.43 (where it is called the 13th, i.e. counting from the 18th capital in Ruskin’s final system towards the Porta della Carta)
- Library Edition references: Works, 10.425
Detail of 31st capital in its current state Figure with curly hair side 8 left, Arion side 1 centre, Human figure with legs of a bear side 2 right |
[Version 0.05: May 2008]