At Notebook M p.51 Ruskin uses the name Bernardo to refer to the Danieli and the Index at Notebook M p.220 refers to ‘Danieli (Bernardo Mocenigo)’. At Notebook M2 p.33 in a note from Zanotto Ruskin refers to it as the ‘Mocenigo. Bernardo or Danieli.’ It may be relevant to Notebook M2 p.4 that it is listed at Notebook M2 p.33 immediately after the Foscari and Giustiniani houses.
There are two other Bernardo houses to which Ruskin refer. The reference at Notebook M p.71 is presumably to the Palazzo Bernardo on the Grand Canal at San Polo 1978, across the Rio de la Madoneta from the ‘Police House’. It is Ruskin’s 16th House, on which see House Book 1 pp.21f. and House Book 2 p.47 and House Book 2 p.48 on the traceries of the lateral windows. He refers at Notebook M p.121 and Notebook M p.160 to the Palazzo Bernardo at San Polo 2195. See Works, 11.364 for both.
[Version 0.05: May 2008]