St Anast. Gate Tomb

The measurements are continued from Notebook M2 p.118L. The reference is to the Castelbarco tomb at the church of St. Anastasia in Verona - see Works, 9.175 and the illustration facing Works, 9.176; Works, 10.304 where it is seen as ‘one of the purest Gothic monuments in the world’; and the illustration facing Works, 19.451 [n/a]. At Notebook M2 p.118 Castelbarco tomb is full of ‘extraordinary energy’ (and see the footnote at Works, 9.175; the illustration facing Works, 9.176, and Sheet No. 175; Sheet No. 175B; Sheet No. 176; Sheet No. 177; Sheet No. 178).

For images by Ruskin of the Castelbarco Tomb see also here and here.

For a photograph from Ruskin’s Rudimentary Series of the Castelbarco Tomb see here.

A more recent photograph shows it in relation to the church:

Verona, Santa Anastasia, with Castelbarco Tomb over gate For details of photograph see here
Verona, Santa Anastasia, with Castelbarco Tomb over gate
For details of photograph see here

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[Version 0.05: May 2008]