palace next to the Cavalli

At Notebook M p.57L Ruskin has added a clarification of the reference to the Palazzo Cavalli on the right hand page, Notebook M p.57. On the left hand page he makes it explicit that he means the house next to the Palazzo Cavalli-Franchetti ‘which is nearly round the corner in Prout’s view of the Salute - Bernardo’; ‘Bernardo’ seems to what Ruskin wrote, even though the building is to be identified with the Palazzo Barbaro, San Marco 2840 (Nadali & Vianello (1999) Tav. 40). The note was perhaps added after Ruskin became interested in the Palazzo Cavalli next to the Post Office. For Prout’s view of the Salute see Works, 24.xxxv.

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[Version 0.05: May 2008]