det Foscari Pattern

The mark before the ‘det’ in the reference to the Foscari Pattern appears to be meaningful rather than a slip of the pen, a reference perhaps to an angle. However there do not appear to be any other examples, certainly not with ‘det’. On the use of ‘det’, presumably an abbreviation of ‘detached’ as opposed to ‘attached’ windows, compare Notebook M p.93 cusp of det 4 foil; Notebook M p.140; Notebook M p.145; Notebook M p.147 4 det 6ths without cusps; Notebook M p.148 det 6ths; Notebook M p.160 4 at(?) 4 det windows; Notebook M p.161; Notebook M p.208 two det 4ths. The reference therefore is to the pattern associated with the detached windows of the Foscari house.

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[Version 0.05: May 2008]