Notebook M p.8 ‘Milan. St Ambosio’ ‘At page 33 l N. is given the placing of rht two orders and intermediate shaft in the doorway jamb of the outer gate of cortile; the section showing the oblique setting of the beautiful capital head’ Also Notebook M p.13 ‘These narrow voussoirs are however very sublime in their sweep although however these shafts have some work to do; those of the outer gate of the atrium p 33 l are like the rest of the arcade, if anything a little thicker than the moulding above which is of the same section fig 1 stands clear out from the roll above; its projection being entirely useless; an ungraceful arrangement, yet far better than a mere banding of the shafts, or continuous import. The placing of this capital is very curious, c2 d2 (fig 2) being at a much steeper angle with de, than c2c. The measures of the door jambs a e’
Works, 9.130 Plate II ‘Plans of Piers 1. S. Ambrogio, Milan’
[Version 0.05: May 2008]