Probably Palazzo Jubanico o Zobenigo (S. Marco 2462-2516, Nadali & Vianello (1999) Tav. 41) S.M. Zobenigo (Campo) originally Byzantine, and reconstructed. The Jubanico family were founders of the ancient church of S.Maria del Giglio. The Palace is on Rio delle Ostreghe, with the street side on Campo S. Maria del Giglio. The building is right opposite the church in the campo, but the façade has been entirely modernised (presumably in the late 19th Century). Ruskin remarks that ‘the back of the house is better than its front’, and it seems that what he saw in the campo has been demolished.
At Notebook M p.5L Ruskin noted ‘Things to be drawn at Venice, if possible. or daguerrod 1. Dentiled sq. of house p 1 Housebook (H)’
[Version 0.05: May 2008]