See Lindsay (1847) I p.64 on San Vitale, Ravenna, as an example of Byzantine style:
The capitals of the columns are squared blocks, sculptured with basketwork tracery, a characteristic of the style.
Compare Notebook M p.45 and Notebook M p.193 on basketwork capitals as characteristic of Byzantine architecture, and compare the image of lily and basket work capitals at San Vitale available here.
See Figures 10, 11, and 12 of Plate 8 at Works, 10.159 for examples of basketwork capitals from ‘Braided House’ (Palazzo Dona at San Polo 1426, Nadali & Vianello (1999) Tav.28 - see Works, 11.370), Casa Loredan, and St. Mark’s.
Remnants of basket work can be seen on a modern photograph from the North Portico of St. Mark’s:
See also Lily Capital of the Northern Portico of St. Mark’s.
[Version 0.05: May 2008]