Here / Arena (for In experience in transcript / Assisi

The lay-out and the lines / brackets on the page are important to the sense, and need to be seen in the manuscript version.

The notes in the lower part of this page are comparing the virtues and vices as defined in the Ducal Palace capitals with those defined by Giotto in the Arena Chapel in Padua, and in the Basilica of San Francesco at Assisi (though there seems to be no evidence that Ruskin had seen the Assisi frescoes when this was written). The systems of the virtues and vices are discussed at Works, 10.378; Works, 10.384-5.

‘Arena’ seems a definite reading instead of ‘In experience’ in the transcript. ‘In experience’ makes no sense and does not reflect the manuscript. ‘Arena’ refers to Giotto’s frescoes in the Arena Chapel in Padua.

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[Version 0.05: May 2008]