Façade of Doges Palace

Palazzo Ducali: Balcony to Piazzetta ‘Next to the window in, which now opens into Mr Lorcenzo’s room; comes the centre with balcony; and this with windows k. l. m. n. is described in No 78. - the last note, scrawled on that paper, is of the best
discovery I made to-day. Saturday 22nd December - of the window, o in plan on last page, which opens from the smaller saloon behind the Porta della [Carta]’ Notebook M p.102.

Notebook M p.104 ‘These windows of the upper part of the cortile I also examined to-day: 22nd Decem: Their traceries are drawn on No 79 - and their sections given on the back of No 78.’

Palazzo Ducali and the Piazzetta
Palazzo Ducali and the Piazzetta

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[Version 0.05: May 2008]