white palace near Rialto

Probably the Palazzo Giustinian Faccanon, (S. Marco 5016, Nadali & Vianello (1999) Tav. 30) on Rio della Fava. See Notebook M pp.145-146; Notebook M2 p.34; Gothic Book pp.56L and 56; Gothic Book p.57L. It is distinguished as the ‘white Giustiniani’ in the index at Notebook M p.221. It is called No. 90 at Notebook M p.146. It is not the house also called No. 90 at Door Book p.37. Nor is it the Palazzo Giustiniani on which there are notes at Notebook M pp.67ff; also called the Foscari Giustiniani at Notebook M p.221.

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