Tracery of our window balcony. Danielis

Palazzo Dandolo-Gritti-Bernardo-Moncenigo. (Castello 4196, Nadali & Vianello (1999) Tav. 43) (Danieli). Ruskin and his wife Effie her friend Charlotte Ker, and John Hobbs were resident in Venice, at the Danieli by 13th November 1849. It is on the Riva degli Schiavoni.

See Lutyens (1965) p.63 and Works, 9.xxiv.

Notebook M p.46 On development of Gothic shaft in Venice: refers to sheets 24-29 and cf, 19.

Works, 11.285 (facing) Plate 11 Tracery Bars Fig. 16 ‘Hotel Danieli’. Works, 11.346 (facing) Plate 14 ‘Ca Bernardo Mocenigo’ (Danieli’s) ‘Capital of Window Shafts’ Examples of the Architecture of Venice. Works, 11.395 ‘Nana-Mocenigo, Palazzo. Originally the Palazzo Dandolo’ Venetian Index.

Works, 35.295 ‘The beginning of everything was in seeing the gondola-beak come actually inside the door at Danieli’s’

Palazzo Dandolo-Gritti-Bernardo-Moncenigo (Castello 4196) (Danieli) from the Riva degli Sciavoni with the Ponte del Vin
Palazzo Dandolo-Gritti-Bernardo-Moncenigo (Castello 4196) (Danieli) from the Riva degli Sciavoni with the Ponte del Vin

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