
Palazzo Corner-Loredan (S. Marco 4137, Nadali & Vianello (1999) Tav. 29). The Casa Loredan, usually called the Palazzo Loredan by Ruskin. Though altered, it provides for Ruskin evidence for Byzantine style.

In the published text see:

Plate 8 facing Works, 4.300 [n/a] for an image made by Ruskin in 1845.

Works, 10.146 and Works, 10.149 on its front arcade in relation to the other Byzantine houses identified by Ruskin.

Works, 10.157 on concave capitals of small shafts at the flank.

Works, 10.159f and numbers 4, 5, 7 and 11 of Plate 8 facing Works, 10.158

In the Notebooks see:

House Book 2 p.50 on bead moulding, bases and dentils.

Notebook M p.133L two very ancient shafts of veined marble at the back of the Casa Loredan

Notebook M p.140L for measurements, and compare House Book 2 p.51L for what appears to be the first version of them;

Notebook M p.140 Casa Loredan is much earlier than Fondaco dei Turchi: or very bad work

Notebook M p.192 heart shaped wreath occurs characteristically at Casa Loredan

Notebook M2 p.3 on circle mouldings

Notebook M2 p.32 for Ruskin’s evidence for its date from Zanotto (1847)II.ii.420.

House No 85. Now called, Palazzo Corner-Loredan. (S. Marco 4137) Riva del Carbon
House No 85. Now called, Palazzo Corner-Loredan. (S. Marco 4137) Riva del Carbon

House No 85. Now called, Palazzo Corner-Loredan. (S. Marco 4137) Riva del Carbon
House No 85. Now called, Palazzo Corner-Loredan. (S. Marco 4137) Riva del Carbon

House No 85. Now called, Palazzo Corner-Loredan. (S. Marco 4137) Riva del Carbon
House No 85. Now called, Palazzo Corner-Loredan. (S. Marco 4137) Riva del Carbon

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[Version 0.05: May 2008]