Section of 2nd Order

See Notebook M2 p.104L for Ruskin’s index of the orders of shafts as he defines them in relation to the section and leafage of their capitals and see Notebook M2 p.96 for the second order and the notes on the capitals at St M[arks] Book p.4w to St M[arks] Book p.13w.

Notebook M2 p.96 ‘The Second Order: This order has always the section p 47. l. pal. book But it falls into two groups.
2nd Order. A.
The great angle leaf of the first retaining its central rib, and having its upper curl enriched, the breast leaves are enlarged; hides its edges: {these nod over} and carry figures
The II. The section at p 47 l. is from the first of this series the {IInd Capital} bird one; the former section of which was inaccurate. x is through its angle. y through its side, showing line of bird above breast leaf. at z is the section through middle of breast leaf. recalling distinctly the Police house system - of which the nod over above is also a mere amplification rounded and modulated [. . .] Their section [8th Capital] at m. p 47. l .palace book’

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[Version 0.05: May 2008]