The first letter of XEREXIS in the manuscript, like that of ‘Zuche’ below is made deliberately ambiguous. It clearly refers to cherries but at Works, 10.424 Ruskin makes the point that Serexis and Cuche both appear to begin with the same letter, perhaps a ‘C’ or an ‘X; or an ‘S’, Cucha is presumably related to the modern Italian ‘Zucca’ -‘squash’ or ‘ pumpkin’ Ruskin states ‘ZEREXIS, PIRI, CHUCUMERIS, PERSICI, SUCHE, MOLONI, FICI, HUVA. Zerexis (cherries) and Zuche (gourds) both begin with the same letter, whether meant for z, s, or c, I am not sure.’

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[Version 0.05: May 2008]