Details. St Stefano

(S. Marco, Nadali & Vianello (1999) Tav. 40) Chiesa di S. Stefano.

Notebook M p.62 ‘No 39. Inside of San Stefano: sketch showing general proportion of arch & moulding.’ House Book 1 p.12, House Book 2 pp.43L and 43.

Works, 9.xvii. Index to the Illustrations -Plans of Bases 11.

Works, 9.342 Plate XII, ‘Decoration of Bases’ Note: Works incorrectly states that No 9 of Plate X11 is from San Stefano at Works, 9.xvii. The text however at Works, 9.342 suggests that it relates to SS. Giovanni e Paolo. This is confirmed by Ruskin’s reference to No 6 of Plate 11 which is listed in the Index to the Illustrations at Works, 9.xvii as base plan is of SS.Giovanni e Paolo.

Works, 9.315 ‘Fig 54 [. . .] b from the windows of the church of San Stefano’

Works, 9.336. Profiles of Bases - Plate X. ‘20. San Stefano Venice’

Works, 11.13 ‘the adoption of a leafy finial at the extremity of the cusps in the door of San Stefano’

Works, 11.270. Final Appendix (Capitals) list of Plate 7. ‘10. San Stefano, Great Door.

Works, 11.276 ‘Connected with this school of transitional capitals we find a form in the later Gothic, such as fig 14, from the Church of San Stefano; but which appears in part derived from an old and rich Byzantine type’

Works, 11.283. Final Appendix (Cornices and Abaci). Plate 10, ‘ 58. Abacus, St Stefano’

Interior Santo Stefano
Interior Santo Stefano

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[Version 0.05: May 2008]