Ca Foscari

This is the first examination in the notebook of a Venetian location:

Great Foscari (Dorsoduro 3246, Nadali & Vianello (1999)Tav. 40) Palazzo Foscari. Known as ‘Ca Foscari’. For other references see House Book 1 p.20; Notebook N pp.22 and following; Notebook M p.74; Notebook M2 p.33, where there is a reference to Zanotto’s account in Venezia e le sue lagune, house 10, at II.ii.423; Works, 11.378 for the summary in the Venetian Index; plate 8 facing Works, 8.132 and figure 8 of Plate IV facing Works, 8.96. At Notebook M p.71 it is called the ‘Old Foscari’ to distinguish it from the Palazzo Giustiniani called by Ruskin the ‘Young Foscari’.

(Franzoi and Smith (1993) p. 58, No. 41 Grand Canal (Right Bank))

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[Version 0.05: May 2008]