finistrato / fenestrato/ finestrata

The manuscript seems to suggest the reading ‘finestrato’ rather than ‘finistrato’. It is usually difficult to distinguish a final ‘a’ and a final ‘o’ in the manuscript, but the ‘o’ here seems clear. The word is found elsewhere in M apparently in the form ‘finestrata’, at Notebook M p.146, Notebook M p.147, Notebook M p.148, and Notebook M p.195. It is also found at Notebook M2 p.67 and Notebook M2 p.117. Nadali & Vianello (1999) uses ‘il finestrato’ and ‘con ricco finestrato’ but also ‘con bella finestrata’ and translates the word as ‘windows’ as in the English ‘fenestration’.

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[Version 0.05: May 2008]