Notebook M pp.22-3 Verona ‘Jamb of a most beautiful circular arch in a house near Duomo. Alternate 5 bricks and white stone: 4 of the bricks voussoirs on each side, one white stone in centre: form double dentils to each white or red voussoir, but note that the dentils are cut into the brick: the surface of the wall being perfectly level: as seen in section a. The arch is of brick: the support-ing abacus of paler red marble; the jamb of yellow marble. Its masonry on the other side given at fig 2 and the ornament at the top of the level large, fig 3. Fig 4 is an example of balcony foliation’
Notebook M2 p.5 ‘door at Verona, on No 4’
This is a fragment of the original sheet. Listed as being ‘No 4. Verona Duomo’ at Notebook M p.22. Fig 2 and fig 3 now missing.
[Version 0.05: May 2008]