No 65

Probably the Palazzetto Gotico (Dorsoduro 3421, Nadali & Vianello (1999) Tav. 39) on the Rio di Ca Foscari - facing St Pantalon and (Dorsoduro 3422). A small house sometimes known locally as ‘Casa Greci’. Ruskin’s Byzantine ‘Rio-Foscari House’ is also part of the same complex of buildings making up the Corte del Fontego on the Rio Foscari at Dorsoduro 3421. Ruskin considers this the oldest he has found ‘consistent with itself in Venice’ (Notebook M p.175). Together with the Fondaco dei Turchi it provides for Ruskin a paradigm of Byzantine style.

For illustrations see Plates facing Works, 11.336 and Works, 11.338 and compare House Book 2 p.46L.

See also Works, 10.146, 151, 155, Works, 11.233, 266, 279, 334, 338, 400.

For detailed description and analysis see Notebook M p.175; Notebook M pp.177-179; House Book 2 p.46; Gothic Book pp.73L-75; and Notebook M2 p.3 in relation to circle mouldings.

Palazzetto Gotico on the Rio di Ca Foscari - facing St Pantalon
Palazzetto Gotico on the Rio di Ca Foscari - facing St Pantalon

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[Version 0.05: May 2008]